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    Beloved! Through the millennia, humans have been modeled on their behavior in order to follow a pattern dictated by the invading Archons from the Orion System 350 years ago. It was a relatively easy task, as humans are spirits incarnate under the veil of oblivion. As if the veil were not enough, here on this Planet the school of Souls followed the project of experiences in duality.

    Originally, a Third Dimensional Planet is based on this learning. The Fractal of a Higher Soul comes to experience life at the furthest point from the Source, where Light is scarce, consciousness is limited to almost nothing and DUALITY is polarized at its extremes.

    Such experiments must be completed individually by each Fractal, and the time is indefinite. Then, each being can make its ascension according to its performance. As a collective, there is a deadline that obeys the Planetary Cosmic Laws. All the Worlds, whether Stars, Planets or Moons that surround the periphery of the Galaxies, through their spiral movement, gradually go towards their center.

    As they receive more Light from their Galactic Central Sun, the vibration increases and such Worlds cease to be 3D and assume higher categories. This is called Planetary Transition. During a Planetary Transition, there is also a great opportunity for your humanity to ascend.

    So, Soul Fractals that have not yet ascended individually before will be able to do so collectively, even if they are just a part of that collective. It is what is happening now on Planet Earth.

    The aggravating factor on Earth was precisely the Archons invasion 350 thousand years ago. Along with them came other malevolent races, including the SATANICS, THE REPTILIANS, AND THE DRACONIANS. It is good to remember that there are other races of lesser expression, but that also belong to the dark. All of them arrived here, fleeing the persecution of the Forces of Light that follow the orders of the Creator.

    The time of darkness is over in this Galaxy. His followers were given opportunities that would enable their rehabilitation, in order to return to walking the paths of ascension as Spirits created in the same Source, as everyone else. Most of them, however, do not accept to go through the relearning process, as they prefer to fight until the end.

    Earth is their last stronghold within this Galaxy. The Portals have been closed and from here no one leaves, that is, either accept the surrender or they will be captured. Those who surrender will have the opportunity to pass through lower worlds until their conscience is polished and involved in the practices of good and, thus, ascend. Exactly as is happening now with Earth humanity.

    You can much more!
    Hayley_Alexander / Reshot

    As for those who need to be captured, there will be no alternative but removal to the Cosmic Central Sun, where they will be dissolved of all their memories, returning to the beginning of their existence and creation, as a Divine Spark again. In this way, they will lose all the time they have lived until now, but it is always an alternative offered by Divine Providence that never abandons one of its creatures.

    Given the curiosity of some of you, here is the answer you made in previous texts: the exiles from Earth will go to worlds still 3D, but there will be no dominion of darkness as there was here, since they will no longer follow your intent to invade and take for himself lower worlds. The purpose of Soul schools in 3D Worlds is not suffering, but learning. Learn what life is like in duality, subjected to the veils of oblivion, in worlds far from Source.

    Therefore, the most awaited moment for all the fragmented Souls in this beautiful Blue Planet has arrived. TIME TO BACK HOME! It's time for mass ascension! All the energy moved now will provide that at least 1/3 of earthly humanity can make this Quantum Leap towards the Fifth Dimension.

    You are here as a fragment of your Super Soul! It's time to go home! You will have many stories to tell later. It was not just the ascension into a School of duality; it was also the overcoming within a Planet captured, enslaved and manipulated by dark forces.

    Now the long-awaited help is showing its service. True armies of galactic beings, our elder brothers, here they are with their star fleets and with the billions of soldiers of the Light, working tirelessly for our liberation from the evil yoke. This will favor those who want and are willing to make their ascension.

    YOU CAN MUCH MORE! Regain your inner power! Even though in these 350 years that power was taken from you, now it is being given back. Take it back and own it! Ignite your LIGHT! Light your way! Remember that as you light up your surroundings, you will light the path of those who walk beside you.

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    You don't need to change the world! You just need to change yourself, because when you change something in you, it changes that same something in the collective whole. Heal yourself, because when you heal something in yourself, that part of the collective is also healed. Heal the other when asked to do so. By healing others, you will also heal yourself. This is the wonderful and divine Law that governs all things here at this end of the Galaxy. We are a Fractal of our own Soul, but we are at the same time a collective that forms the ONE with the whole.

    All the power is within each of you. They forgot this when subjected to the veil of 3D. It got even worse when they were subjected to the Archons' rule. They were convinced that the most powerful could submit to their whims. Is not true. We were taught that others must heal us. Is not true. We were taught that the Law is about survival. Is not true. We are immortal Spirits, created at Source, as pure Light. We are the fragmented Divine Particle to learn to create. We are angelic beings like all the brothers of the Stars. We are much more than we can imagine! We are the part! We are the whole! We are powerful and no one is above or below. We are creators and we are Gods, for we are the image and likeness of those who created us in the Divine Source.

    Now it's time to go home! Integrate this Fractal into your higher Soul version. Let's regain consciousness and know who we really are. So regain your power as quickly as possible and make the necessary changes and movements in order to make the turn at this Zero Point of the great Dimensional turn. Let the next step be the one that makes that turn; the return curve, because the times are come.

    YOU CAN MUCH MORE! Remember this!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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