The power of intercession

    Beloved! As our consciousness moves towards the ONE, we can understand how the great web works. If before she was so restricted, to the point of feeling disconnected from the Source, from now on the way back reveals wonderful information and knowledge. Perception and interpretation become more and more real. Gradually, we are recognizing that, in fact, we were never separated from the Source where everything is ONE with the whole.

    As a collective in each Planetary House, there are certain rules and norms for learning. All are within a Dimensional System that enables such learning. However, as each soul is individual, each one has their choice, which determines the personal paths they choose to follow.

    Over the millennia, Earth's humanity has had these choices and has made their choices both collectively and individually. Now the Cycle is ending. It is time to evaluate what has been learned. As a collective, humanity has reached the frequency for a Fifth Dimensional, so it will be ascending part of it, along with the Transition of this Planet.

    The power of intercession
    stock_colors de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    Rarely does the synchronicity between the ascension of a collective of souls occur, at the same time that your Planetary House also makes its Transition. This is all the more reason for the eyes of the entire Galaxy to turn to Earth now.

    The support from Above is unimaginable for a consciousness that is still starting to expand out of 3D. But we are assured that everything is going wonderfully. With each turn of the wheel, more and more critical mass of consciousness aligns with the current Earth Transition process and ascension of part of the collective of souls incarnated here.

    As the Arcturians say: “We do not see on our Radar any possibility of Armageddon happening on Planet Earth.“. Obviously, some events can still occur at specific moments, as there is still a considerable part of humanity that chooses drama in order to experience it at this end of the Cycle.

    The choice of drama and trauma is an individual choice, so that soul will be within a zone of events that it can experience without those others who have not made such a choice having to go through what they did not choose. This explains some events that can still be observed on Planet Earth.

    Such choices have taken place over the course of the last incarnations, and they need to end such experiences. But nothing justifies incarnated souls making such choices now, as there is no longer any need to do so. So what they vibrate themselves is a traumatic frequency, and that can eventually bring about some events that allow the release of trauma.

    Fear, guilt, anger and other negative frequencies still vibrant within each one will bring, by attunement and affinity, situations so that the basements of your consciousness, still trapped in trauma, can be cleaned. This is the reason why each one feels differently an event that still happens on Earth, such as occasional conflicts, natural catastrophes, pandemics and crises in general.

    We must remember that we are in times of transition and ascension. And that means a change never seen here. So much so that the Earth has never gone through a Transition of this magnitude. We are here to experience such an experience together with her. As a collective and as an individual, we will experience such an event. We will be the Ascended Masters of tomorrow. We will be that family of souls that will take such an experience not only to our Higher Self, but to all other Universes of the Cosmic immensity.

    It's time to tidy up the room and clean out the drawers 'cause we're leaving the old school. A New Cycle will begin in a World no longer of expiations and trials, but of regeneration. Those approved are happy and looking forward to a New Time at a more graduated school. They will leave part of the old colleagues, because not all of them will follow together from now on. This exchange is also part of the Transition. But we should not be saddened by this, for no one is helpless.

    The power of intercession
    Photo by Getty Images / Canva

    The Divine Plan is perfect in all its aspects. Even so, we can demonstrate and put into practice our learning so far. We can and must exercise the power of INTERCESSION. Intercede on behalf of the other who still needs courage, faith and encouragement, as the journey will continue for a long time in this 3D level.

    If we still don't have a true idea of ​​what it will be like to live in a Fifth Dimensional World, when we will be the new Ascended Masters, as I have written here in previous texts, at least we are training, in practice, ways to intercede in favor of our brothers who do not will accompany us on the New Earth. We know that from there we will be able to give the same assistance to them, wherever they are, just as the Ascended Masters do today who support and support us in the Old 3D Earth.

    So let's start the practices right now, even if it's only in the form of intercession. There are many ways to intercede. And as our Helpers say: “No honest request goes unanswered!”. So let's make honest, fair and true requests, based on unconditional love, justice and especially, in a disinterested way.

    Interceding in favor of the other always brings us positive dividends, as it will generate credits for the one who interceded. In the Universe, everything is exchange and there is no possibility of injustice. Always intercede! The biggest beneficiary will be yours!
    Send Light to the regions in conflict.

    Send love to people who still indulge in hate and evil. Send courage to those who still give in to fear. Send healing energies to those who still fear for their health. Send Light to those who still remain in darkness. Do not encourage fear, anger, guilt or any other low vibrational feelings. Do not spread news that causes people to feel such vibrations. Avoid conflicts, arguments and judgment.

    The power of intercession
    Gwoeii / Shutterstock

    Remember that you will be an Ascended Master soon. Practice learning in this Third Dimensional School, for as you ascend into the Fifth Dimension you will be an Ascended Master. You will certainly be prepared to support the brothers of this Terran house who will still need to continue their learning in another school still in the Third Dimension, that is, of expiations and tests.

    You are able and authorized to intercede on behalf of everything that still vibrates in 3D. You can heal! You can create! You can change a situation of conflict into a reality of peace. You can calm a storm! You can much more! You created the New Earth, so believe in this limitless power. You are also a creator, for the UNCREATED said the moment your Spark was lit: “GO AND CREATE NEW WORLDS; NEW STARS AND NEW PLANETS, FOR YOU ARE ALSO GODS”.

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    Do not doubt your power!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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