The end of time: the reunion!

    Beloved! In Dimensions higher than the Fifth Dimension, time is not as we know it here. There is no past or future, as Spirit is always within a space-time continued in the present. Everything is always the same moment. Consciousness is full: it can remember or feel something that is happening at that moment as well as situations that happened before or that would only happen much later, in the vision that we still have today.

    Let's compare it with something we know in practice in order to understand better. You can see what is in the panorama in front of you, as your gaze is directed towards it. That would be the present tense. However, if you turn your body around and look back, you will see another panorama - just as you could see before. That would be the past. If you turn to the sides, you can still see other panoramas, which we could compare to the future.

    So, seen in this way, you have the present, the past and the future all right now. Just change the look direction. So will time in the Fifth Dimension. Everything will be accessible in the present moment. Everything will be within the larger consciousness.

    The limitation of human consciousness from the earliest times until now was necessary so that the incarnate Spirit did not remember its past nor knew what would come later. Forgetting his past, he could improve his learning, because with each reincarnation he would have a new opportunity to start over.

    But the time for learning has come to an end! IT'S THE END OF A TIME, because the cosmic dance doesn't stop. The Earth is already within the 5D vibrations and takes everything on it with it. The Animal, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms are coming together naturally. Different is the human who, endowed with a conscience, needs to deconstruct all old beliefs and develop new realities.

    That is why man takes a little longer to fully enter the Fifth Dimension. He rehearses through small advances and retreats and, as he feels secure, he gains more space. We are still within the old notion of linear time, for which the past, present and future, within this still limited consciousness, persist for a little while longer.

    The end of time: the reunion!
    Snapwire / Pexels

    There is no way to change everything in a few days or a few years. We have practically this entire current existence to do so. As has been said here before: we take two steps forward and one step back in order to affirm each achievement. As consciousness expands, we gain territory in this advance.

    To make this adjustment of past, present and future in a single time, we are already remembering, little by little, situations lived in past lives and we are also already understanding some things that are yet to come. These are called Concurrent Timelines.

    We then bring back many Timelines from the past in order to heal them, as we carry in our soul memories a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, a lot of tragedies, a lot of trauma and a lot of fears. All those discomforts you feel these days are unresolved emotions that ask to be released now.

    There are also the REENNECTS OF SOULS who have lived through such situations in the past. We are meeting again with our toughest adversaries, that is, our enemies from many Wars. They are now inside our families and also outside them. The polarities are accentuated as memories of the past arise.

    The end of time: the reunion!
    RODNAE Productions / Pexels

    This explains the varied disagreements between people. It is not the right or the left nor the political, religious, sports, race, gender, etc. preferences. that are stirring up tempers; it is these Timelines that bring the old unresolved emotions to be understood, accepted and dissolved.

    We have many Timelines being experienced right now in this End Time. The main ones are the Babylonian Line, the Roman Line, the Inquisition Line, the French Revolution Line, the Crusade Line, the Napoleonic Line and those of the most important Wars. We also have the plague line, such as smallpox, Spanish flu, the black plague, the bubonic plague, among others.

    We need to understand that living such Timelines, in addition to showing that the past, will transform the present not as a situation but as an emotion. We feel the same pains now because we have not yet learned to separate events. For the moment, it is necessary to understand that this is something that has already happened and that, for this reason, it is not necessary to feel the pain again.

    When consciousness broadens further, we will bring not only the Timelines of the past but all of the past as if it were now, and that will not cause any more pain. Everything will be understood, understood and accepted as part of us. In 5D there will be no more pain. There will be no more Trials or Atonements.

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    In a few more years, we will understand all this perfectly. Channels are proof that the future is now. The future is the present. They just show us what is available to us in due course and when we really need it. Time is unifying. For now, in small doses, so that we can train. But soon everything will be very natural.

    RE-ENCOUNTERING with situations and characters from the past, allows us to train a little, but above all, it allows us to understand things. The disagreements, intrigues and conflicts that result from these encounters facilitate the healing of all the pains that still linger in our soul memories. May everyone understand, accept and let go of what no longer serves! May everyone heal themselves! The times have come! And the Light won!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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