you need to trust more

Beloved! It is not easy to believe or trust what we do not yet know. It's not easy to feel safe without knowing how much we are supported! It's not easy to know that changes are really taking place if we don't know how to separate the old beliefs about everything we know so far! It is not easy to free ourselves from the external control of our mind, if at least we do not know that we have always been controlled! It is not easy to rise to the higher Dimensions if we are stuck in the old energies of the Third Dimension!

And when you are faced with some situation, which in fact is there, so that change can be made, the most common thing is to rebel. Non-acceptance is nothing more than the resistance you put up in relation to necessary changes. All the pain and discomfort you feel is the result of this resistance.

How much garbage accumulated inside your basements, during the hundreds of incarnations here on Earth! Old energies of low frequency, that is, of the Third Dimension, that resulted from the experiences necessary for the learning in the duality. But that now, cleaning needs to be done.

Change is a much bigger event than simple cleaning. Compare with your home. When cleaning, only dirt is removed. However, when a house is moved, everything is removed in order to be taken to the new house. Then, all useful objects are cleaned, packed and placed in the moving truck. But it is impossible to enjoy everything. There is another mountain of old junk that has no other destination than garbage.

Big things and little things, plus a lot of small dirt, everything stays clean and, in this condition, it's easier to remove. Including very old things that were not even remembered. So it is with humanity now, when we are in the process of Transition. It's our biggest and most important change of all time.

We need to get all the rubble out of our basements, the basements of our subconscious. This is what is happening to you. Anger, guilt, fear, criticism, distemper of emotions, envy, pride, in short, all the emotions of the old 3D Dimension cannot be taken to the New 5D Earth.

you need to trust more
Jackson David / Unsplash

There are no choices! It is necessary to recycle, transmute or leave it behind. But first, you have to recognize their uselessness from now on, otherwise, you won't want to get rid of them. This is a fact to be observed and respected.

Another situation that makes you suffer unnecessarily is feeling alone, helpless and abandoned at this time when there is so much to do. You might think that the Angelic Helpers have abandoned you, but it's not true. The support you have is unimaginable. Never before, in any lifetime, were you as supported as you are now. But the job of cleaning your basements is up to you. Nobody can do it for you. Remember that it is your experiences, your lessons, your learning, your mistakes and successes and your emotions that are being debugged and separated to see what goes and what is not for this journey during the Transition. Planetary.

The constant work of the Helpers is monitoring so that everything goes as smoothly as possible. It's inspiring you in the decisions to be made. It is to allow you to see the uselessness of certain items. And, above all, offer conditions so that your work can be developed in the best possible way.

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Even if you rebel or even if you doubt God's support, THEY don't give up on you. In fact, your offenses are not even taken into account, because they understand you. Do not feel guilty if you have cursed everything and everyone.

You just need to trust! Let yourself be carried away by the new! Fear nothing of tomorrow, for the worst is over. Cleaning can be tiring, but it's no worse than the energy that caused so much rubble in your basements. That energy, yes, it is very heavy. Heavy and unnecessary from now on, so it has to be left behind. Take only what you need, because in the NEW everything will be new. The house is new; consciousness is new; beliefs will be new; the concepts will be new; the understanding will be new and you will be the NEW HUMAN. You were assured of this even before you reincarnated into this current existence.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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