How to use Access Bars Therapy on yourself

Access bars therapy is a technique that began in the US with psychologist Gary Douglas about 20 years ago. She came to make our lives easier, to accelerate our improvement and self-development.

It can be applied by a licensed therapist or if you take the course, you can apply it yourself. How wonderful!

You will have this wonderful tool at your disposal to take care of yourself.

The technique consists of 32 points on the head that represent issues such as fears, blocks, traumas, money, body, sexuality, healing, joy and sadness, among others.

When the point is softly touched, energy releases occur and we start to flow better, deconstruct limiting points of view and beliefs that we often acquire in childhood or throughout life, in different ways.

Well, how to apply yourself and take care of yourself?

One of the ways is through the “voice command”. On the voice command, you mentally say that the energy begins to flow through you from head to toe, then head to toe. This will make the energy circulate in your body.

How to use Access Bars Therapy on yourself
 Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

After this command, you choose three bars, for example “money, control and creativity bars” and ask them to “run” for x minutes. Remember to only choose three bars at a time so you don't overload yourself. Set a time these bars will run and then rest. All points of view related to these issues will be worked on.

The access bars technique came to make your life easier!

The other way is, after you have given this verbal command to run energy from head to toe and vice versa, you yourself touch the three points at a time, and allow the therapy to work. I personally have done this and had good results! I've been sleeping better, especially when I wake up in the middle of the night, "who knows why", and when I work on a specific aspect I notice that when I wake up I wake up lighter and the answer to the question I'm working on comes! For others, the answers will come in different ways, just do the technique and trust!

  • Is self application of reiki possible?
  • Work the money point from the access bars
  • See how access bars can affect your life
  • Delve into what access bar therapy can do

Some things you need to FEEL! Feel the experience! Make a bar session with a therapist you trust and then why not take care of yourself always?

More and more life asks for this, look at yourself and take good care of yourself! There is so much good to happen in this life, go for it! The time is now! I was!

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