The year of rebirth in 2021

Beloved! We are finishing the most incredible year that has ever existed on this Planet! Nothing will ever be like before! I wrote here saying that 2020 would be MARCO ZERO, the year in which the Earth, with its humanity, would make the return curve, because the path is now the return home, that is, the long-awaited ascension.

Even if not everyone is ready to return, there is a significant portion of humanity that has already accomplished the learning in this long walk of life. The times have come! The moment is one of jubilation and celebration.

We have seen some of you saying that the year 2020 is to be forgotten. Others even claim that they shouldn't even count this year in the sum of their age, and, amazingly, there are also those who want to see it from behind, saying it's too late.

No, my beloveds! This year that ends is to be remembered and celebrated as the most important of the current existence. It was the year of affirmation for those who set out to heal. It was the year of releasing old emotions still present in our ancestral memories. We release the fears, anger, trauma and all the pain still remaining in our Soul Records.

The cleaning was very thorough! We know that the role of viruses is to promote the cleaning of bodies - not only the physical, but especially the emotional. When they act on the respiratory system, they clear all low vibration emotions, especially those linked to the throat and heart chakras.

This cleaning was necessary. Therefore, even though it was a work of the dark, its development in the laboratory was allowed by Alto. Since he was created by the energies of the human psyche, the result of his most direct action was just that: clearing all psychic energies from those who decided to heal from the old energies.

The year of rebirth in 2021
Harrison Haines / Pexels

It was also announced before that the year 2020 would be the year of truth, justice and revelation. Many may not even understand, but that's what happened this year too. There is a monumental effort by the controllers to hide these facts, as they still believe that they will be able to reverse the situation. They won't! Be absolutely sure of it!

A lot has happened at this ZERO POINT. We made the return curve! The awakened know this and are aware of everything. On the other hand, those who are still asleep have not noticed and will not notice so soon. Only those who wake up in time see the beauty of the dawn of a new day! Those who only get up for lunch miss out on the unique spectacle, as it will never happen again, at least on Planet Earth.

So let's get into 2021! What awaits us in the New Year?

—For those of you who did your homework, the Feast is about to begin! It will be the YEAR OF REBIRTH!

There will still be some opportunities for laggards. Some lessons not learned in 2020 can be repeated in 2021. One last chance, as there are still some grains of wheat in the straw. The reaper intends to collect them because the sanitizing fire will not take long. Cleaning needs to be completed.

But you, who took advantage of all the tests and spent the most effort and interest in learning the lessons that were presented to you in 2020, will certainly be reborn in 2021. The divine being that has always been in you will now become real… and conscious! You will quickly rise to a Fifth Dimensional psychic and energetic condition.

Your perception will be deeper and more certain. You will discover innate powers you never thought you had. Healing powers of yourself and others that will surprise you. Changes in habits never imagined before!

The year of rebirth in 2021
Matt Hardy / Pexels

Many pains and even so-called chronic problems gradually dissolve like magic. Old fears will cease to exist. Ancestral traumas will be definitively healed. Troubled relationships will become a thing of the past. Professions that do not bring joy and pleasure will be abandoned and new activities will arise for everyone who is willing to move on.

You will be much, much more in tune with the whole. Also much more sensitive in relation to other beings and Earth Kingdoms. You will feel more and more empathy, understanding the pain and emotions of others, whether humans, animals or plants. This empathy will help first in your healing and then in the healing of others. THE FEELING WILL BE VERY ACTIVE!


You will already be part of the New Humanity of Earth. Yes, it is still a small portion of humanity today, but it is the beginning of the New Earth. Gradually, more and more will be included in this group. And nothing will stop this Transition process.

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It is also true that the dark ones will still make their skirmishes to try to stop what is to come. But they won't be able to, because the Creator has already given the ENOUGH!

Be prepared for what's to come! Even if in some moments it may seem like everything is going to fall apart, trust! Trust because you are very supported. Keep the energy as high as possible! You are and will always be an anchor for those around you. Don't let yourself down! You are very important at this time of Transition! You chose to be here at this time on Earth! You have come to be a part of this great galactic event!

You are an anchor of Light! Always keep that Light on!

The Light won!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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