Portal of 11/11/2018

On November 11, 2018, the Portal opened 11:11:11 (2+0+1+8). It was an incredible moment to be aware of the Higher Self that dwells within us and to open ourselves to receive the energies from the universe, directly in our heart chakra, to enhance all our healing and connection with the Source.

Portals are high vibrational energetic frequencies that anchor at certain points and enhance our ability to receive and emanate Light. 

It's a special day where you can be connected to good thoughts, doing a meditation focusing on your heart, visualizing the emanation of love and peace to the entire planet.

Portal of 11/11/2018

We are in transition to the new era, at the time of cleanings, and this energy of the portal can favor us a lot in this process... Be at peace, connected with nature, drink plenty of water, have good thoughts, vibrate gratitude and take advantage of this portal to elevate you and the whole planet!

Align with the new energies… Take advantage of this call to "Wake up".

What is Planetary Transition?

The Planetary Transition is a time when the Earth is giving birth to a New Earth, that is, nothing will be like before. This is happening right now, as the Sun is starting to emit to us a new type of energy that will transform previously known vibrations.

Now everything starts to transform faster and human consciousness is expanding even more every moment. This transformation has been happening since 2012 and now we are initiating a Quantum Leap movement of our planetary home and in this way we are entering the Fifth Dimension.

Portal of 11/11/2018

If you are interested in knowing more about the subject, access our Planetary Transition category and check out texts made by our columnists and also enlightening interviews that we are sure will shed even more light on your knowledge.

Access here: Planetary Transition

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