The quantum financial system (QFS)

Beloved! The entire Earth and its humanity are now going through a unique time of change. This movement is called Planetary Transition. Everything will be very intense! The profound changes will take place in all sectors known and unknown, as the Old Earth is dissolving to make way for its replacement, that is, the New Planetary House.

Everything you have learned, known, believed and practiced will gradually cease to exist, in a matter of a few years. Much has already changed, but since these changes are timed, most humans have not even noticed. Compare this to your hair or your nails: they grow continuously, but the growth is only noticeable when they are bigger. So are the changes from the Old to the New Earth.

If nothing else will be like before, I could talk about any subject here, but today I will just put some considerations about the financial system, since it is still a basic item in the survival of each one. Right now, there are billions of people worried about their job, their company, their salary and their basic subsistence needs.

The concern about this can even be understood, but the guarantee we have from the Higher Order that governs the Worlds is that everything is going wonderfully well, so this leads the Earth and her humanity to a New Age called the GOLDEN AGE. In the New Earth there will be no situation of pain and suffering, therefore there will be no shortage of any kind. There will, however, be boundless abundance, as those who currently unbalance finances will cease to exist.

The dominators, the deceivers, the exploiters, the enslavers, in short, all the POWER that some exert on others will cease to exist. And the Earth, as a feminine energy, that is, as a MOTHER, will provide everything that her children need. The time for Abundance and Prosperity has finally arrived! All the DOMINATING POWER will be dissolved and competition will cease to exist, giving way to COOPERATION.


The only certainty we have for now is that no one can know in advance, and the reasons are several. The main reason is that it is not a System known to any human being, as it is a Quantum program created outside of Earth. Its coordinator is Saint Germain, Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray, who, when incarnated here on Earth, was, among many characters, Joseph, father of Jesus, the Count of Saint Germain and Merlin, the alchemist.

The quantum financial system (QFS)
Jongho Shin / Getty Images / Canva

The QFS will be an intermediary financial system, which will be used for a transition period between now and a few decades ahead, as in the future there will no longer be any need for any kind of currency.

No one can know the exact date when it will start, but it will be soon. Maybe even this year 2020 or next year. Another information is that it may not start in all countries at the same time. It seems that there are still some governments not tied to the Earth Alliance. Such governments need to be removed in order to release the QFS to their people.

An information that has already been released says that everything is ready, tested and approved. All you need to do is pull the trigger. Resources are available. Even for the countries where they will be released, what we are allowed to know is that it will not be for all people at the same time. There are important criteria to be met; the main one is MERIT. Old coins will lose value. Known money will no longer be of any use. Those who obtained their money illicitly, therefore, could become the new miserables of the Planet.

There is also another important aspect: all those who have resources and even riches won within ethics and morals will not lose anything. Such features will be added to the new values ​​that will be made available to everyone. It also seems fair and reasonable to do so. No one will ever lose what is truly theirs.

The quantum financial system (QFS)
Svetlana Lukienko / Canva

But as it is being described here, the exact shape of everything is still unknown. In fact, most cannot even imagine its true way of being, as it is nothing known to humans. No one has ever even imagined a system of such magnitude. A few weeks ago, a piece of information that reached here said something like this:

“Imagine that everyone, regardless of whether they have a bank account, will receive an unlimited credit card to provide for their needs. Everything they need – food, medicine, products, a house to live in, etc. – just pay with the card and the purchase will be released and settled. All needs will be met this way. But if a family needs a house, they cannot want a palace, as the card will not release the resource.”

Looking at it from this angle, you can get an idea that nothing and no one will be able to circumvent the QFS. The password appears to be a conscience. You'll have everything you really need, but nothing more. Perhaps, to have that something extra, we still have the option of work. Offer any activity to have some differential, but the important thing is that no one will ever have to go through scarcity and lack again.

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Bearing in mind that, for a while, there will still be a need for certain services and activities within the production and service delivery chain. The world is changing rapidly, but it won't stop completely. There is a time required for all adjustments.

The time of slavery by Labor and Debt is coming to an end. Nothing will ever be like before! Be prepared for the NEW that is emerging in leaps and bounds. Do not fear for your profession or your company. Fear not for the future! Trust, for the Golden Age is not golden for color, but for the GOLD of well-deserved abundance you have. Know that you are being very supported by the Divine Hosts. The World of Atonements and Trials is saying goodbye! WELCOME NEW ERA!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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