The breach of contracts

Beloved! How many past lives have each of you had? How many of them lived the Good? How many of them went through hard experiences, involved with dark creatures, helping and contributing to the Planes of no Light? How many agreements, deals and contracts were made in the name of interests in each incarnation? Rest assured, beloved ones, that many have made arrangements that they would not make today at all.

These agreements (or contracts, as they may be called) still have validity in the current life, which causes many obstacles in the plans of each of you. How much trouble would be unnecessary, were it not for the promises of these agreements with the Shadowbending entities! You are not aware of it, but those who took part with you, being in the Extra physical Plane, demand this fidelity. That's one of the reasons your life doesn't prosper.

In these years of work as a therapist, on many occasions, during therapy, dark entities emerged charging the person in question to comply with such contracts. There is no denying this, because in practice, everything turns out to be true. The most heard phrase goes something like this: “You are one of us! You promised! You promised to continue contributing to our plan, but now you want to get out? We will not allow this! We have a contract, remember?”

More or less this is the language, invariably! But what is impressive is the determination that these entities have to demand loyalty. It is true that, even if you no longer follow the same distorted actions of the past, everyone should know that life is only one, continued, incarnation after incarnation. With each reincarnation, the human being continues from the point where he stopped at the moment of the disincarnation of his last existence. Only the consciousness, which is part of the physical body, changes, because the unconscious remains the same, since it is the baggage of the immortal Spirit.

The dark entities that we allied with in certain past lives, by not incarnating, understand that you must remain the same as before. They do not accept that each one who incarnates has exactly the purpose of change. Change for the better continuously.

The breach of contracts
lalesh aldarwish / Pexels

Non-Light beings do not incarnate because they are comfortable in their hierarchical positions in the dark abysses. We are not talking here about the Spirits that inhabit the Thresholds of the Earth. We're talking about the Dark Lords. Many belong to the Reptilian and Drakonian families, but there are even higher hierarchies as well. Even though these bands of the superior Astral are now being emptied, these contracts disturb each one's life, as everything is energy.

They are the incarnate possessors of command over humanity who are allied with them. They are the ones who make CONTRACTS always with the benefit of reaching the highest position within the human hierarchies here on the Earth's Crust. As incarnated humans, one day they need to disincarnate. When passing through the Thresholds of the Earth, through repentance, through the stoning of the spirit, they later reincarnate to work on their conscience. They aim to be better, but the demands are high.

There are also many other types of “contracts” made in the past tense. A common good is this: “I will love you forever!” or “I never want to have another love again; I will only love you”. One more: “I deserve to suffer, because what I did is unforgivable”. And there's so much more! Even though these last ones weren't made with the aforementioned characters, they have a lot of power; hinder your life today much more than you can imagine!

The breach of contracts

So we need to BREAK SUCH CONTRACTS. Make the DISTRACT, as it is also called. Many have heard of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL'S DECREE. A well-known one was that of the 21 days. Yes, it works! For if one day we made a contract consciously, now, in the same way, that is, we can consciously undo the agreement. Why not? Whatever, because you don't remember what you did. The cancellation is very comprehensive, so it will undo what is no longer useful today.

As consciousness has already expanded a lot, everything becomes more potentiated. This is how Archangel Michael tells us, when he sends us this week, a new model of Distrato. Much more summarized and that can be done in just THREE DAYS! This new decree was channeled through the channel of the medium Luciana Attorresi, from the WORKERS OF LIGHT portal.

I will transcribe it here below. If you feel called, make this abstract and see how your life will begin to change for the better! I also suggest that if you resonate with Luciana's channellings, follow her on the Lightworkers page, she is amazing! Please feel free to replicate and practice the following DECREE.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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I (say your full name), aware of my “I am” presence, invoke Angels and Archangels, Masters and Friends of the Higher Dimensions, to assist me in this Decree.

May the love of the Supreme Creator that exists in me purify my being at this moment!

I open all multidimensional channels so that all contract files from other lives, which are in my Akashic Record, present themselves before me and the entire team that assists me at this moment.

I invoke from the bottom of my heart a beam of blue lightning, which illuminates and elevates everything around me.

I declare, therefore, that all CONTRACTS I have stipulated in past lives are dissolved before the Light that I am emanating from my sacred heart.

I decree that all Timelines be organized and rebalanced through the Light that I am now implanting in place of this contract.

I decree that where there was darkness there is now Light; where there was pain now have well-being; where there was sadness now have joy; where there was fear now there is certainty and confidence.

I decree that I am completely free and renewed!

All of the Timelines that I exist in are in harmony with the Light that I am today.

I decree that everything that exists in me IS LOVE AND LIGHT!



(Quantum Decree of Archangel Michael channeled by Luciana Attorresi – Lightworkers)

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