Crystal child: how to recognize it?

Since the 2000s, the presence of crystal children became more significant in the world. The energetic frequency of these young people occupies the fifth dimension, being higher and purer. This means that a crystal child has an elevated heart chakra, an enlightened aura and a vibration of Divine Love.

The mission of these children is to bring love and truth to the world, creating a new concept of how societies should be constituted.

To identify crystal children, it is necessary to observe the following characteristics:

Desire to accomplish feats that seem impossible, potential to innovate, mediumship or strong spiritual and religious connection, heightened love connection (because they represent Divine Love), struggle for justice, facility for the arts, commitment to truth, ability to heal others through through symbols and rituals, connection with gemstones and natural ores, good memory, persistence to fulfill your missions, sensitivity and clairvoyance, energy in contact with nature, rejection of animal foods, respiratory problems, enlarged head and eyes, desire for solitude and introspection, fight for peace.

Crystal child: how to recognize it?

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Crystal children can sometimes be confused with autistic children. However, this happens because they start talking later and are bothered by crowded environments, sounds and lights. However, these children are responsible for changing the world we know and for bringing a new reality to everyone.

Also known as beings of the new age, crystals seek a world with more equality, peace and happiness. Matter and power are refused by these children. It is necessary to recognize and honor the impact they can bring to the world, respecting them and following their teachings.

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