The Plumbers

Beloved! Everything is moving forward in these times of Transition. The information arrives like real waterfalls in times of abundant rains. It is almost impossible to follow and assimilate everything that arrives each day. Channelers know very well the real situation of humanity and planet Earth.

In particular, there are days when a flood of good news arrives in a very accelerated sequence. That is why we use the criterion of priority to define which subject we will develop and pass on to you, who read the texts written here.

The channeler is always on duty as a mediator between the two Planes. Each serves its purpose. I have already used the term that compares a channel to a pipe. Yes, the pipe channels. It can channel drinking water or sewage, depending on the function for which it was assigned. The difference between a real pipe and a plumber is that the latter has a conscience and a free will, that is, he decides what role he wants to play.

The plumber knows who he serves! We are seeing that many even disguised their role of draining filth and there are those who believed that they brought clean water, but a small gap was enough to make it clear that their content was only waste and rotten tailings. It is the time of truth and revelations. No one will hide what's inside of them anymore. The Light is the magnifying glass that will show the smallest details of each human consciousness. Divine Justice descended to Earth to put an end to lies and human evil.

So channelers are showing themselves who they serve. Those of the non-Light may even confuse the unwary, but it will only be for a short time. No attempt to deceive humanity will work from now on. Times are for adjustments and preparation for the New Planetary House. What was before is ceasing to exist. THE NEW is here and nothing that opposes it will have any effect. That is all!

As a plumber, I also make my choices. I was given the opportunity to choose which army I should serve. (Remember the parable: you cannot serve two Masters at the same time.) Logical reasoning says that a job well done requires the same effort as a job poorly done. So we can understand that it would be foolish to choose the dark side of things. Since we are going to do the work, let us do it in the best possible way.

The Plumbers
snapwire / Pexels

Even so, the messages that I have been transcribing here for almost 7 years are only for those who feel aligned with each theme. They do not serve everyone, as each consciousness aligns with each other's energies. We form, then, an egregore of kindred souls. The chosen and written themes come to each of you, as many have already testified, that is, they seem written for you. And that's it. The channeler brings you what your own Guides want to tell you. Obviously, if you align with the Light, your Guides are of the Light and will use a channel that serves the Light, so that your questions are answered.

There is no chance! There is always a purpose. If you are here, then there is a purpose to it. Obviously there are shadow infiltrators trying to pollute the pure water that passes through here until it reaches you. But nothing will prevent each one from receiving what they set out to seek. They often try to confuse you. Other times, they try to prevent the channeler from carrying the messages. But determination is not a habitual thing of the no-Light. Your followers give up as soon as they realize they need to put in a little more effort.

Therefore, channelers and readers, may everyone take a stand and assert their soul purpose. This is perhaps the most important choice to be made at this current time of Planetary Transition. And today, the first of September of the year 2020, as I prepare to bring a message to you, I felt that there is something different in the air. It seems that, suddenly, a silence unlike anything we have ever witnessed is felt now. I wasn't allowed to know why, but I know something shocking is coming next. It's a different expectation. In the next few days or the next few weeks, perhaps, we will know what the reason for this is. When permission comes to tell you what that means, I will make it available to you.

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It will be a good thing, because the resistance that I wanted to prevent you from saying that, I know well where it comes from. Maybe it's a text that interests few, but I know that something very important is coming. Stay tuned! Where ONE goes, we all go. We are a family of souls that come together to follow the destiny that each one chose to live in this unique moment of humanity.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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