How the autumnal equinox is related to planetary change

Beloved! Today's theme brings some considerations about the March Equinox and the Planetary Transition.

A lot of information that arrives, brings in one way or another, parts of what is really happening with Planet Earth.

It is well known that everything is constantly evolving. The spiraling energies that move Galaxies create and move Stars, Planets and Moons. There is a HIGHER ORDER to which everything is submitted, including the great changes like this one that is already affecting our Planet. Fortunately, that command is not here, but outside of this Orb.

Man's actions only advance or delay the final results a little.

Earth's Planetary Transition is a grandiose EVENT that affects the entire Galaxy. For this reason, ships and extraterrestrial beings from the most varied galactic families dock here. Even if they still cannot show themselves to the physical eyes, their actions are becoming known every day to a greater portion of humanity.

Thousands of human beings today incarnated on Earth are Messengers of Light, Missionaries of Light or Warriors of Light. Everyone came with a specific mission to help make this Transition as smooth as possible.

How the autumnal equinox is related to planetary change
Arifur Rahman Tushar / Pexels

Most of these Lightworkers maintain contact with these Galactic beings and receive information according to the current situation. Gradually, as consciences open and free themselves from the veil of oblivion, such information contributes to the human collective.

As the subject of the moment is the great Pulse of Light that the Earth is receiving in this month of March 2019, whose apex will occur at the March Equinox, it is necessary to clarify what actually is between the Equinox and the Planetary Transition.

First, let's say that Equinoxes have always existed.

Every year we have one in March and one in September. The difference is that this month there will be a grandiose coincidence. The great infusion of Light that the Earth receives via the Galactic Central Sun arrives here through our Planetary Sun. When the Equinox occurs, it is the moment when our Sun, due to its positioning, manages to bathe the largest area of ​​the Planet. It means to say that it is when he manages to send LIGHT with a maximum scope.

Coinciding the Equinox with the infusion of this intense Pulse of Light that comes from the Galactic Center, we then have a true bath of energies of very high vibration, reaching practically the entire Earth.

How the autumnal equinox is related to planetary change
Jure Širić / Pexels

These energies, received since December 2012, are bringing high vibrations that dissipate the veil that covered the Earth, and therefore, human consciousness.

As they swell, they lift that veil and cause a gradual awakening.

This awakening will lead a portion of humanity to the Fifth Dimension. This process of migration from 3D to 5D is called Planetary Transition.

So, the influence of the Equinox in this Transition, is motivated by the composition of the energy of this Energetic Pulse that happens in the days around March 20th.

It is good to emphasize that this energy emanating from the Central Sun, changes according to the need and purpose within the Planetary Transition. For example, in the November portal, from November 11th to January 21st, we had an infusion of Light that “anchored” the energies of the GODDESS on Earth, that is, the energy of the feminine, of creation. Now, at the March Equinox, the infusion of Light comes as a wave of “activation” of these energies. That's why a lot will happen from there.

How the autumnal equinox is related to planetary change
Tachina Lee / Pexels

We will now enter a new phase of humanity, where human abilities will begin to develop rapidly within three pillars: The power of Creation; The Power of Intuition and Thoughts, and the Removal of Shadows.

From now on, everything is happening faster and faster.

It is very likely that within 5-6 years, the world we know today will no longer exist. Everything will be modified. Whether in the animal, vegetable, mineral kingdoms, or in relation to humanity. There will even be geographic changes. All adapting to the New Earth and the Golden Age that is already knocking on our door.

  • Learn about the traditions and symbology behind the autumnal equinox
  • Understand how individual evolution works in planetary transition
  • Equinox and its meaning
  • Try Meditation for the Autumn Equinox and Appreciate the Energies of the Season

It is good to remember that everything follows a divine project. Nothing can be modified to Bel Pleasure by any human. And what comforts is knowing that everything will come for the good of humanity and the Planet. However, individual changes will occur according to each one's conscience. Obviously, there will be those who will inherit the New Earth and also those who will leave it, for what will determine one thing or another is simply the energetic vibration of each one.

It is the End Time of a Cycle, or the separation of the wheat and the tares, as quoted in the parable of the great Master, Christ Jesus. No one will be wronged, for each one will receive according to his works. We are what we are! In this, there will be no mistakes!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment. Namaste!

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