Transition is Planetary, but ascension is individual

Beloved! Earth is not a ship adrift that receives help and all its crew members are saved. Rather, it is a School that has offered learning to an immense humanity for long millennia. As has already been said here, the Spiritual population of this Planet is estimated at about 35 billion Spirits, between incarnate and disembodied, all situated between the Third Dimension (Earth's Crust) and the Fourth Dimension (Astral Plane of the Earth). There are even those who say that this number is even higher, but that doesn't matter, because what matters to each one is their own evolution.

Throughout all the times that have passed, there has never been a lack of support from the Galactic Brothers who inhabit higher Orbs. As emissaries from Above, they lovingly served every inhabitant of Planet Earth, whether incarnated or disincarnated. As true Masters, they helped and instructed in each lesson to be learned. Love, compassion and protection never lacked for any being in these terrestrial stops.

So many opportunities! So long! Hundreds, perhaps thousands of incarnations with comings and goings through the beyond, where the expansion of consciousness in 4D made it possible to evaluate each one, with the purpose of correcting and hastening their own ascension. Each human being had the same Masters, the same lessons, the same opportunities and the same time available for this learning.

The Multiverse, made up of countless Universes, which in turn are made up of billions of Galaxies with their hundreds of billions of Stars and Planets beyond the Moons, is in constant motion. It is this movement that perpetuates its continuous evolution. Everything follows a Divine Plan of the Creator. Each Orb is a house that houses a large family of souls. Embodied according to the local energy, they also follow the learning that each house (school) offers. The progression is not unlike the practice you know of climbing school grades in your present bodily life.

The evolutionary levels always follow the degree of individual knowledge. The School is collective, but the steps need to be climbed individually. Not all are approved at the same time. In each group, there are always those who qualify first and there are also those who take longer to absorb the teachings offered to the whole class.

Transition is Planetary, but ascension is individual
Rakicevic Nenad / Pexels

There has always been a pre-stipulated deadline for the Terrana School. Although the 3D veil of oblivion does not allow us to know this, emissaries from Above warned humanity that this deadline would soon expire. Finally he is here! It's time for the settings. The race against time accelerates day by day. Time is pressing! Everything is in a hurry, but humanity, blind in its wider vision, has chosen to believe in the rules governed by dominators and controllers who do not wish to see the rest of Earth's population make their ascension.

This controlling team has been controlling the human mind and consciousness for many millennia, in order not to allow the knowledge of the new reality. They implanted limiting beliefs in such a way that most follow the primer dictated by them. Power and fame are the bargaining chips that buy all those who reach the highest levels within commands, in any sector of human society. Leaders were always bought or eliminated, as nothing could bring down the Marked Card Castle.

Blinded by the power and control of the masses, they do not believe that their time has come to an end. They never really owned humanity or the planet. There are Cosmic Rules and Laws that are not subject to your whims. They are like worms inside a cesspool: when the Light enters and the environment dries up, none survive.

Transition is Planetary, but ascension is individual

The Creator has already said ENOUGH! From now on, no one takes another step. Time is up. The Earth will move to a higher level in its vibrations and, consequently, human consciousness will also expand in order to accompany and adapt to the new learning cycle, that is, the new School.

All of this will happen regardless of whether or not you make your ascension. There will certainly be a portion of humanity that will follow such a movement and will go along to the New Earth. There are, however, those who did not take advantage of the lessons and now have few conditions to be able to recover in such a short time. There will be no more incarnations in duality for those who are incarnated here now. It is the last chance, that is, the final test that determines whether you will be approved or not.

Many are expecting a miracle from the Galactic Brothers. They still believe that they will come to save the reprobates. Not quite! The Galactic Brothers are, yes, here, already present in our terrestrial atmosphere. But its function is to provide security so that everything works out in the best way, as there is a lot of opposing force that still believes that it can prevent Planetary Ascension.

Transition is Planetary, but ascension is individual
Jaymantri / Pexels

There are also messages here that are increasingly clear and insistent so that no one doubts that the definitive time for the Transition has arrived. Lovingly, all that remains is to materialize and scream in the ears of those who turn deaf. But never, as now, has the clamor been so strong. Unfortunately, not even a pandemic that put everyone "in" was able to awaken a significant number of incarnate Spirits.

Beloved! The Earth is making her Transition (Ascension) regardless of whether or not you want, like and do your own ascension. Don't wait for someone to come and save you. “You will know the truth and the truth will save you.” The Grand Master warned us two thousand years ago. We are faced with these facts now.

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Earth, as a living Planet, will make its ascension and nothing can stop it. As a collective, humanity can do it too. This is what most of them will do, as they have already learned their lessons and understood what is happening. Others are doing nothing to accomplish this. They keep saying, “Oh, this will take time! Only a thousand years from now! This is illusion! Conspiracy theory! daydreams! You're getting crazy! Drank what? Only God can save! The Bible says otherwise!”… Anyway, really for these it will take not a thousand years, but hundreds of thousands of years, so it will be in a very backward environment, because the lessons will have to be resumed from the beginning. For those who wait for God to do their part, there will be time to wait, because for God there is no Time. He will give opportunity until they get tired of waiting and decide to walk on their own two feet.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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