Illuminated Road “…for they will inherit the Earth…”

It is inconceivable for violence on Earth to remain as it is. All over the world we repair the spreading misfortune, claiming families by violence, drugs, lack of employment and minimal dignity to live. Rulers playing with power, others disrespecting the law, which exists only for those who comply with it, because those who are marginal do not show any concern.

But according to information compiled in books and messages from Elevated Spirits, we are convinced that the Planet has already begun the process of evolution, and rebellious spirits (we are spirits in physical body) to the moral progress and the ideals that the Creator wants, are no longer returning here at the time of the passing. All that hinder the growth of the Earth are being execrated to other planets of less evolution.

Illuminated Road “…for they will inherit the Earth…”

The sieve with what is good and bad is in full activity by the Elevated Spirits. Remember how Jesus talked about the wheat and the tares?

Well, this separation of what is healthy and what is not good happens in spirituality, that is, at the time of physical death we are faced with our consciences and we are compelled to arrive on a planet with less evolution, where “crying and creaking” was also mentioned. of teeth”.
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Anyway, everything was prophesied by the Master 2000 years ago, and for a while it's been happening.

Illuminated Road “…for they will inherit the Earth…”

The profile of those who will return to Earth, already more evolved, can be based on reading the book Transição Planetária by Manoel P. Miranda, who comments: “Creatures who persist in the perverse accommodation of indifference to their brother's pain, who mark their existence through criminality known or ignored, who sign a pact of adhesion to extortion, bribery, to the various criminal behaviors of the so-called white collar, maintaining selfish behavior, gloating over the afflictions of others, indulging in lust and drug addiction, in the undue exploitation of other lives , for a long period they will not have the means to remain on Earth, being exiled to inferior worlds, where they will be useful in smoothing the edges of moral imperfections, in order to return, later, to the generous bosom of Mother Earth that they did not want today. to respect.".

Jesus also makes it clear when he says “Blessed are the meek and peaceful, for they will inherit the earth”.

Now, this precious information for us who are experiencing this series of bad weather is very enlightening and consoling, and added to others, like the apocalypse “there will be a New Earth”, although old quotes we conclude that from time to time there have been radical changes, which happens little by little.

Illuminated Road “…for they will inherit the Earth…”

This evil that is there is necessary. It is part and certainly is at the service of good as my friend Adam told me on one occasion.

It's time to change our attitudes. The signs of the times have arrived.

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