the melting of the poles

Beloved! Dark Media does not tire of creating news that brings fear and concern to human beings. Yes, this is the task and purpose of the one who sustains it. More than 90% of their news are manipulated, and for that they use a part of the truth as a strategy in order to implant the lie. The unawakened human mind is activated by small triggers, and it is these triggers that associate certain words with codes. Once this trigger is activated, what is being said and which is nothing more than an outright lie enters as absolute truth in limited consciousness.

It must be said that the truth of each one is closely aligned with the knowledge of the cause. The more you delve into understanding a situation, the less you will be deceived by manipulators. We must take into account that the veils are being lifted gradually, but not in the same way for everyone. It won't do any good to remove the veils if the human mind remains trapped in imposed beliefs.

There was a time when science did a great service for humanity. She was very important as we live in the Age of Material Man. That period of humanity has come to an end. The new time that follows is now part of the Age of Spiritual Man. And that makes all the difference! Nothing will be like before, because, as Spirits that we are, we can expand our consciousness, expanding it to such high levels that it can reach the incredible level of up to 50 times its current capacity.

The expansion of consciousness does not depend on research or studies, as it is a natural activity within the ascension of the human soul. It only requires the will and willingness to seek that knowledge that is already within each one. Nothing is out when consciousness widens. It is the inner channel of the I AM Presence that makes the direct connection to Source, where everything is.

Naturally, each one recognizes their stellar origins, bringing any and all information according to each circumstance and the subject of the moment. And that without any physical or extraphysical interference, because the channel is individual, and, once knowing its function, each human being will have absolute and unrestricted control over it, unlike the mind known until now, which could be manipulated by another of higher level.

the melting of the poles
Pixabay / Pexels

This is the reason that justifies the previous statement that Science has done a beautiful service so far. This was necessary because most of humanity was still very limited in their level of consciousness. Now, however, we enter the Higher Dimensions and nothing will be like before. We are approaching the Time of the Great Revelations. To the Time of Absolute Truth. Over the next few years, gradually, it will no longer be necessary for anyone to tell you any information about anything. You will know immediately, insofar as the matter demands an answer. This is the basis of consciousness on the New Earth.

The theme that made me write today's text is a classic example of these changes. Since we started writing here on this page, in 2014, different topics have been addressed, but most of them are related to the Planetary Transition. We have said and affirm that we are within this Transition. A Planetary Transition is no small feat! So grand is the spectacle that brings the attention of the entire galaxy to our tiny Blue Planet.

Since everything will change, it is only natural that nothing will ever be the same again. The Earth, as a Regenerated Planet, will be free of everything that it brought before, mainly pain and suffering, for its humanity. Obviously it will become the real Garden of Eden. All its corners will be pleasant to live in. Natural disasters will also cease. Deserts will be green fields again. And naturally the weather will be mild everywhere. THE POLES WILL NO LONGER BE COLD AS THEY WERE UP TO HERE. AS THE THaw HAS ALREADY STARTED, IN A FEW YEARS THEY CAN BE inhabited and cultivated.

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And that doesn't mean the temperature will increase in other regions. On the contrary! There will be no more extremes of either cold or heat. That part of the Transition, Science, based only on the knowledge of the old consciousness, is still unknown. So it is natural for the alarm to be triggered. Even because some scientists today work for the dark ones and, even if they know, there is an interest in omitting to deceive or frighten, a function that is still used in these days, before the great revelations.

Beloved! Trust the Plan! We will have 4-5 years ahead in which we will witness the great demolition of the OLD and also the reboot of the New Systems that will lead the New Earth and its humanity. As has been said here countless times, don't hold on to what will cease to exist. It's no use clinging to a tree if it's in the avalanche line. You will succumb along with her. Watch the drama without being a part of it. Assimilate the changes with joy and confidence. Seek, through meditations, all the knowledge that is being made available to you. Remember to leave the TV off, as it is the tentacle of the octopus that wants to immobilize you. This is the last attempt of the Shadows in order to prevent the inner LIGHT in you from being activated and being able to illuminate everything around you.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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