The importance of feeling

    Beloved! Today's message is one of the most important that has ever been passed on to incarnate humanity at all times. Due to the moment that the Planet is going through within the Transition, and also due to the importance of this last incarnation of souls who experience duality in this Terran school, the Angelic Helpers alert us to “watch and pray”. Now more than ever, this practice is so necessary.

    Before getting into this topic properly, we need to clarify that the Science of Shadows has as much knowledge as the Science of Light. At least as far as evolving Worlds are concerned, the Scientists of No Light know enough about the future of Earth and its humanity. They even know what awaits them in the days to come. And they know, above all, that their reign here is over.

    Earth is the last stronghold of the Fallen Angels. After wandering through many Galaxies, and in this Milky Way throughout the Orion Arm, the siege was closed in this Solar System, and the refuge was summed up in Planet Earth, the Moon and Mars. In this year 2021, the Moon has been reclaimed by the Forces of Light. And shortly thereafter, all of its bases on Mars were also closed.

    The stargates in this Solar System are all blocked and none other than the Positive Forces of the Galactic Confederation can enter or leave. In the present day, three protective layers were formed around the Earth, using, for this, a countless fleet of Ships and an army of billions of Benevolent Galactic Beings.

    The Order given by the Creator and quoted here in a text written just over a year ago is being fulfilled. BASTA is in operation and there is no other alternative to the dark ones. They had billions of years to redeem themselves from their deviations, but those resistant ones now find the end of the line for their wanderings through the Universes. THE ORDER is to surrender and accept recycling in Worlds of Atonement and Trials. If they do not comply with this order, the destination will be the Fire of the Central Sun, or the Second Death, as some understand.

    The importance of feeling
    Cris Trung / Unsplash

    The resistant group, aware of what awaits them, decided to radicalize. As it was said here at the beginning of the text, the head of the Pyramid of No Light chose to destroy the Planet and its humanity. The Creator really decides and would obviously not allow it. The Divine Plan for Earth will be fulfilled, whether the Shadows want it or not.

    Neither the desired Nuclear Wars nor the attempted Biological War will be able to change the designs from Above. The Non-Lights are left with some minor alternatives, but that can cause, in a way, problems for the non-watchers. THUS, THE ULTIMATE PLAN OF THE SHADOWS IS SUMMARY OF AN INDIVIDUAL ATTACK ON STRATEGIC PEOPLE WITHIN INCARNED HUMANITY.


    As we said, the dark ones also have their own Science. Even if they are infiltrated in the Science of men, that goes far beyond anything you can imagine. It is so profound that it is only now that some channelers are allowed to receive and transmit certain information.

    They also have their rules so that they can reincarnate and perpetuate themselves among Earth's humanity. Souls that delight in evil while incarnated are kidnapped beyond the grave, so that they can also serve on the other side of physicality. It does not differ much from the Astral Earth, where there are Spiritual Colonies and shelters in order to gather souls in learning within the Planes and the choices that each one makes during their successive incarnations.

    The dark ones prepare many wandering souls in order to incarnate and assume hierarchical positions in all segments of the society existing here. In this way, they achieved an apparent, almost total control in these present times. The revelations that are already happening and that will come in the coming months will show who these key pieces are among the incarnates.

    The importance of feeling
    Callum Shaw / Unsplash

    As if all this were not enough, they also dominate the production of clones, which can replace an incarnate that is in fact in a very important position of command within the dark hierarchies. This will also be shown within the reveals soon.

    But there is something even more unbelievable that can influence many people at this very important moment of the Ascension of souls. I will try here, in a few lines, to describe how elusive the forces of No Light are. All incarnate people who occupy a differentiated position within the practices that can positively influence human consciousness are in their sights.

    Important mediums, channelers, writers, youtubers, journalists, scientists, leaders of Spiritist Centers, religious, artists, rulers and authorities in general who are not a dark Clone or an incarnate representative of the Shadows are harassed in such a way that, without the necessary vigilance, will succumb fatally.

    Each of them may be surrounded by various non-physical entities, who will do everything to make them deviate from their most licit purposes. They have the ability to influence each one's conscience and, most of the time, the incarnate doesn't even realize it. Of course, there are those who know and consciously enjoy it.

    There are cases of Mediums and Channelers who believe they are receiving an entity from the Light, but, in fact, it is an obsessor that manipulates them. They often say that he is an exclusive Protector, and that he was chosen to be his voice here in materiality. They pass on information that is based in part on truths, but whose objective is to actually create doubts, lies and deception.

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    They make the incarnate believe in their information and put them in confrontation with other Mediums or Channelers. That's why it's common for a being who claims to be a Lightworker to attack another Lightworker. It is also very noticeable in Spiritist Centers when some leaders do not allow anyone to replace them.

    All the others mentioned here, when they are serving the Shadows, consciously or unconsciously, follow the Playbook of their controllers. Once not vigilant, the path may have no return. It will fatally enter the Timeline that will lead to exile from Earth. This is the last opportunity among all within successive incarnations.

    “Watch and pray”. Christ came especially to give us some recommendations, and this was perhaps one of the most important. The responsibility is according to the role and position of each one. Not only those who are in a position to contribute to humanity at this time of ascension, but especially those who are being mentored, guided or informed by these people.

    Each incarnate needs to make a minimum of effort in order to expand their consciousness and not be deceived. The key is feeling. FEEL IT ROUNDS WITH YOUR HEART! If it doesn't resonate, don't care. Even if it is true, it will reappear later on. But if it's a mistake, it's harder to deconstruct a belief once it's rooted. Feel! Feel and feel! You always have the choice. Nobody can ever force you to do anything. True messages are those that bring you inner peace. They bring confidence and renew energy. Everything that doesn't fit into this, put it aside, without fear and without guilt.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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