Energy Portal 06/06

Day 06/06/2019 to 06:06 in the morning opens a Galactic Activation Portal! This portal that brings with it the energy of the union of two poles, the Masculine and the Feminine, the two positive and negative polarities and the sacred union of all duality existing within each of us.

This union will give us access to something new, a new consciousness, a new way of interacting with the world and the realities that surround us. We will be witnessing within us a different connection with the divine Father/Mother, God/Goddess.

This day will expand the possibilities of those who are ready to make this union and will bring a new impulse to those who are on the path to awakening, bringing to each one a greater perception of the distortions of these two aspects within themselves, thus making it possible to heal. and more easily transcend these distortions, on the 06/06th, beings from realities much superior to ours will descend to the stage of the 3rd/4th dimensions of the Earth (where we are experiencing this experience). They will enter as a joint effort here on Earth, to anchor this energy from the portal and they vibrate at very high frequencies!

To get in touch with these beings, and to receive instructions and assistance from them, it is necessary to enter into meditation in the morning on an empty stomach., surrender to the energies of the portal and allow yourself to receive and couple all the tools that arise from the union of these two polarities.

Energy Portal 06/06

Feeling/acting has never been as integrated as it is now, so it will change our whole way of relating to other people, in our family, at work, in love relationships, in friendships, in the way you deal with the energy of the money and attachments that imprison you in a reality of suffering.

All this will manifest from this energy of union of internal polarities, allowing you to get in vibratory contact with unconditional love and the energies of the 5th dimension.

Get ready for this portal, if you haven't stopped to look at the masculine and feminine distortions within you, now is the time, allow yourself to dive within yourself and make this sacred encounter with your higher self. Heal yourself from everything that oppresses you, be interested in you, discover how much love there is inside and you are not yet manifesting it, move, now is the time, search the internet for information on the subject, go to holistic spaces, enjoy this immensity of wonderful therapists who are available to humanity in this moment of transition, don't waste any more time, free yourself from the bonds that hold you from getting in touch with your true essence, be the cure of the planet.

I am love in motion. Love passes through me to reach the other ??

Channeled: Marcos Paulo

namaste ??

Source: Follow the flow of love
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