I discovered in the pitch a constellation

Much is said about the Planetary Transition. It is a vast field of information, but also of misinformation. Personally, I believe in this movement that is happening. There is no denying that everything is becoming different. For some, the different is being unique and special – a great opportunity to go back to our essence; for others, a true madness, in which nothing makes sense, and this opportunity ends up meaning nothing, and the great opportunity goes unnoticed.

A few days ago I heard a very profound song again, which brought very important messages about this whole process that we are living and which showed me how great this opportunity for evolution is that everyone is going through. It is the song “Fênix”, by Jorge Vercillo. I suggest that you listen very carefully and try to abstract from the lyrics the great meanings contained therein.

Many times we find ourselves in a deep darkness: everything bothers us, the anguish is great and the restlessness leaves us lost to the point that we can't even see a hand in front of our nose. However, when we are truly connected with our Higher Self (The God who dwells in me), we are able to believe, without any doubt, that EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING only comes to collaborate with our evolution and with the opening of our paths, even if for that it is necessary to go through moments of pain. Pain that will only bring us true liberation, in every way and in every area of ​​our life.

I discovered in the pitch a constellation

In those moments we discover that in the pitch black there is a great constellation. The veil of our ignorance and limitations falls to the ground. We realize how much we have condemned ourselves for a very, very long time and that there is no reason to do so. The steel in which our hearts were held has made us forge a reality that is not ours. In this prison in which we condemn ourselves, we cannot see and feel the unimaginable splendor that our spirit can achieve. This chance is not a step away! It's not impossible! It is real and true and each of us has all the tools necessary to achieve that splendor.

We can forget who we truly were (the EGO that manipulates and determines inconvenient thoughts and attitudes – “the petty laws of mortals”). We agonize and suffer based on predetermined patterns and do not visualize that within us there is a Phoenix.

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The Divine Spark dwells within us, has always existed and is there, available to be accessed at any time, and those who are willing to do so will inevitably receive communication from Above – that is a fact!

Where was ruin today may be Heaven. It's all we want. It has always been everything we seek, because no one intends to live forever in the eye of a hurricane!

Let's seek to be reborn at all times! Let's seek the best that exists within us! Let us try to conceive the other as part of our life, with respect, dignity and

Love, because we will be doing it for ourselves!

Let us be sure that there is an immense Light within the darkness! The cold can also warm us if we unite in Faith and Hope!

Gratitude for this wonderful Planetary Transition!

Gratitude for the immense opportunity for learning and evolution!

And Gratitude for reading all of you, my brothers in Christ!

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