Understanding our universe

When you look at the night sky and imagine the immensity of the universe, many doubts must run through your head, right?

After all, what are the stars? What is a Milky Way? Among other diverse questions that spin non-stop.

Therefore, we have brought here some answers that the COBRA presented in the face of questions and that will also help you understand what the Universe is

Starting with the Milky Way:

According to the website The event, all the stars that we can see at night are located in this small circle indicated in the photo below. So this gives us a brief dimension that we don't see almost anything that really exists out there.

Understanding our universe

The vast majority of stars, like all other existing galaxies, are invisible to us.

The universe

To better understand what the universe is, we leave below a compilation of answers given by COBRA.

It is true that there is still much more to know about our infinite universe, and the only certainty we have is that no matter how hard we study, there will always be more to know. Therefore, we hope that this text will serve as a spark that will encourage you to continue seeking more and more knowledge about who you are in the universe and what the universe is in you!

Understanding our universe

Interviewer: You recently said that all other Universes had been integrated into this one. What do you mean by that?

COBRA: This means that they were absorbed into this Universe, through a certain wormhole or singularity, as Consciousness on the cosmic plane was high enough for this.

E: When did this happen?

C: This was happening around the year 1999, when a huge cosmic portal was opened and that cosmic portal brought about drastic changes that will now, as a consequence, free the solar system and planet Earth.

E: So was this a short period of time that it took place or was it a gradual change?

C: It was very intense and very fast.

E: What is the shield or barrier of our universe?

C: It is the truth, the curvature of the “space-time continuum”.

E: What is outside our universe? Obviously other universes, and it's possible to travel to another universe, correct?

C: Universes are part of the multiverse, and it's very easy to connect with them because they share the same unified field of space-time.

E: Are all universes based on the same kind of experience?

C: Absolutely not. This kind of experience that we have on this planet and in this corner of the galaxy is a very unique and very, I would say, strange and distorted. The vast majority of universes, and also the vast majority of galaxies in the universe, do not have this kind of experience.

E: So, are there universes that have easier lives, without so many challenges?

C: Exactly.

C: The age of the universe is approximately 13,7 billion years.


Understanding our universe

Last but not least, here are some questions also answered by COBRA to explain a little more of what is in the immensity.

E: How many planets are there generally in a solar system?

C: There are usually about 10 planets in the solar system on average more or less.

E: Do all planets have a sun? Or could there be more?

C: I would say that double, or even triple, star systems are quite common in all galaxies.

E: Can you describe what other planets and advanced civilizations would look like?

C: They have similar compositions to what we have in this solar system. A smaller planet tends to be more solid. Some of them have oceans, liquid water. Most of them are rocky. The larger planets are usually gas giants, similar to what we have in this solar system.

E: Is it true that life on Earth was brought from our universe, just like insects, plants, animals?

C: Yes, life was not born here. Life came from beyond.


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