How can power poses improve your self-confidence?

Have you ever heard that a person's body language says a lot about them? To think about this subject, imagine two individuals. One of them is always with his arms crossed and his spine bent. The other, however, keeps his head up, his spine straight and moves his hands just right.

Thinking about these two different people, which one seems more confident and pleasant? Even if the two individuals are equally interesting, only the second one knows how to translate with his body what is going on in his mind. So he's likely to be more successful at positioning himself on something or introducing himself.

Therefore, if you want to convey an image of confidence, you need to abandon the poses that refer to depression and shyness. With the content we have prepared, you will discover what power poses are and how they can apply to your everyday life, improving the way others see you.

What are power poses?

Amy Cuddy, a psychologist and researcher at Harvard, defined that the bodily reactions we have in positive moments are poses of power. That's because she identified that the simple act of celebrating a victory by raising your arms, for example, reduces the feeling of nervousness and allows a person to feel better about themselves.

Therefore, power poses are the movements that we perform with our bodies and that help us to convey a positive image about ourselves, in addition to improving our sensations in various situations we face. If you're in a context that heightens your nervousness, playing a power pose will stave off that feeling.

How to have a power posture?

Throughout your life, you've probably heard many people say that you should have posture. But what is posture? Many imagine that it's just about keeping the chin up and getting the spine in place. But a posture of power goes beyond that.

First, you must understand that the power posture must be reproduced even when you are not feeling confident. In that case, you will pretend to feel good, until it becomes true and your security itself is greater.

Therefore, it is essential that you keep in mind that your posture should always be positive, in all situations. This way, your brain will get used to dealing with stress and nervousness better, ensuring that you manage these feelings well.

Second, you need to understand that power posture isn't just about your body position. In fact, it also relates to your tone of voice, the words you use, and the speed at which you say what you're thinking.

So when you are talking to a person, speak at an understandable height, use words that match the context in which you are and structure your thoughts in an organized way, speaking without haste. Also, respect the other individual's speaking time, avoiding interruptions.

Finally, you must keep in mind what the positions of power are, and on what occasions you must reproduce each of them. Continue reading the article to find this information.

How can power poses improve your self-confidence?
Michaล‚ Parzuchowski / Unsplash

What is the power of body posture?

A few paragraphs ago, we explained that Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy identified that power poses are capable of altering the way we feel. This is because certain movements that we perform stimulate the production of hormones that bring us well-being and confidence, while reducing negative sensations.

From there, Cuddy observed a series of movements in our bodies that relate to our thoughts and moods. While certain postures convey an image of defeatism and insecurity, making us feel weak and incapable, there are those that stimulate strength, courage and good self-esteem.

That is, body posture has the power to change how a person feels about himself and the perception that it will cause in the individuals around him. If you want to feel good about who you are and make sure the world has a good picture of you, just play up the power poses.

What are the positions of power?

Now that you know what body positions of power are, you need to find out what they are, to reproduce them at decisive moments in your life. Choose a powerful pose for you below.

1) Hero Position and Wonder Woman Power Pose

The hero stance, also called the Superman pose, is responsible for increasing your courage and determination. Therefore, it is perfect to overcome difficult times. In this case, you should stand up, spread your legs slightly, lift your chin up and place your hands on your hips with clenched fists. Wonder Woman's power pose is also like that.

2) Confidence pose

The confidence pose is one of the simplest to perform and does not need to be done in front of other people. When you are going through a discouraging moment, doubting your ability to perform a task, just raise your arms, with your fists closed, as if you were celebrating a goal. This posture of self-confidence will reduce your tension so you can relax more easily.

3) Power poses in sport

Power poses in sport can seem a little contradictory. That's because you'll need to replicate the body movements associated with a victory before that victory actually takes place. So, you can reproduce the hero stance or confidence pose, before taking part in a competition, for example. Thus, you will start the activity with a good mood and high self-esteem.

How can power poses improve your self-confidence?
Phoenixns / Getty Images / Canva

How to improve your performance with a power posture?

Once you know the power postures you can reproduce, find out how they can improve your performance in different activities:

1) Have a power stance in mind

The first step in improving your performance with a power stance is knowing what stances you can perform. With the previous topic, you already have the answer to this question and you already know what movements you need to reproduce with your body.

2) Take a deep breath to reproduce the power stance

Knowing what power posture you want to achieve, take a deep breath and, if possible, stand in front of a mirror. When you see yourself imposing and confident, you will increase the positive effect of this practice. Then, for a few minutes, do the chosen posture, without thinking about other things.

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3) Feel the differences in your state of mind

Once your body has had the right hormones stimulated by the power posture, you will likely experience a change in your state of mind. So take advantage of this positive feeling to perform your tasks. If you feel the energy running out, do your power pose again.

In which moments and situations do you use power poses?

Power poses help you feel better about who you are and trust your potential more. Therefore, the ideal is to reproduce them at times when someone will evaluate you or when you are going to introduce yourself. See some examples:

  • Before a job interview.
  • While solving a difficult problem.
  • Before meeting the family of the one you love.
  • Before participating in a competition.
  • During a situation where your self-esteem is shaken.
  • Before giving a presentation at work or school.
  • When taking a picture for social media.

power pose tips

Once you've figured out the details about power poses, you can continue learning about them. The main tip is to reproduce the pose exactly as it is, facing the mirror, the first few times. To do so, expand your repertoire on power poses through these videos:

  • Power poses for every moment of your life:
  • Power postures โ€“ Amy Cuddy โ€“ โ€œBody language shapes who you areโ€:
  • Power Poses:

Based on the information we brought you, you could see that a person's body language shapes not only the way they are seen, but also how they feel about themselves. Through power poses, it is possible to improve your performance in various activities, in addition to making a good impression wherever you go. Try it!

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