Ideology, I don't want one to live!

    Singer and songwriter Cazuza poetically criticized the human need to cling to ideologies.

    It really seems that there is an urge in the individual to be part of groups, tribes, etc., as the vast majority of people search for definitions of themselves. Few realize that those who need some ideology to define themselves are not free, since freedom presupposes the absence of definition. You can only be free away from uniforms, tags, labels, factions, parties, etc. Freedom will require a total disinterest in the world.

    If only we could all say that we have not left, that we have lost our illusions, that we have sold our dreams, as the poet's lyrics explain, all this would be the purest translation of freedom.

    If only we could pay the analyst's bill and give up the absurd idea of ​​finding out who we are, because there is no bigger trap.

    What I am is not something to be identified through a psychotherapeutic quest. Who I am is something to be lived in the total absence of definitions. How can I define, limit or narrow to infinity?

    Cazuza, when he wrote these lyrics, was in the process of awakening of conscience, maybe he didn't even realize it. He stopped wanting to change the world and started going to parties, that's the way. I don't know why he sang this song so melancholy, because the party idea is very close to the Hindu idea of ​​treating life as a game of the divine (Leela).

    The world has its own agenda, it's crazy to think we can change anything. In fact, we only came here to testify; change occurs with or without our participation, as there is a Natural Law of Evolution that does not need our consent to act. It is necessary to deny that which will bind us to this world, for that which you bind on Earth will be loosed in Heaven and vice versa, as it is written.

    Ideology, I don't want one to live!

    We are here to lose the identity we create with the body and mind, but all ideologies do is just reinforce an identity.

    “I identify with such a religion, with such a thought, with such a person” and so on.

    What these poor unwary do not realize is that they are becoming mere photocopies, as they start to dress, speak, think and act in a programmed way, without realizing that they are adjusting to a sick world.

    Herman Hesse was right when he said that he who does not fit in the world is closer to finding himself.

    Why is this primitive urge to want to be part of tribes still so strong in humanity? Are we still influenced by instincts? Only that would explain, because it is something absolutely primary. We are on the threshold of a new millennium, but we still act and think like our primates. Man needs to learn to bankroll himself, to be who he is, whatever that may be.

    I end this text paying tribute to two of the greatest lyricists of my generation: Cazuza and Arnaldo Antunes.

    Ideology, I don't want one to live. My tribe is me!

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