Minimalism: it is possible to be happy with 6 pieces of clothing

    Recently, Masterchef participant Caroline Martins' little change of clothes caused a real commotion on social media. People questioned, made fun and made unpleasant jokes about the excessive repetition of the participant's clothes during the episodes. To counter the criticism, Caroline explained that this is due to a lifestyle she has defined for herself, the decrease in consumerism and a release from the need to follow fashion.

    The style can be called minimalism or capsule wardrobe and already has many supporters. It is generally adopted by people who need to get rid of a lifestyle of excessive purchases of clothes and accessories. Most people end up learning that it is possible to live with about six pieces of clothing and intersperse them throughout the day. All it takes is a little creativity, organization and a lot of detachment.

    I think the most important part of the decision is the question: do we really need a lot of clothes or is it just a matter of wanting to impress others or pleasing yourself to fill a need? Caroline says that after that decision she started to pay attention to more important things in her life, such as studies and travel, as she stopped wasting time worrying about the right outfit for a particular occasion or whether she would have repeated that piece many times.

    Minimalism: it is possible to be happy with 6 pieces of clothing
    Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

    It's a kind of liberation from patterns and an exaggerated vanity that usually generates several unnecessary purchases and a pile of unused clothes accumulated in the closet. Just stop to press how many pieces you haven't used in the last year that are in your closet, and how many you've donated a piece with the price tag still. Our life, watered with competitiveness and judgment by appearance, often makes us spend unbridled just to get affirmation through the mirror and praise from others.

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    But, it is a fact that no one needs so many clothes to live well. Maybe it's too radical to opt for just six pieces, but try packing a suitcase with your favorite pieces and try to spend the next month with just them. You'll probably find that you need a lot less to be happy and live well, it's worth a try.

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