How do you react to your mistakes?

    It is difficult at first to answer this question, however, it is necessary to observe some points so that everyday mistakes do not become a burden or an eternal suffering:

    1 – Making mistakes is part of life: always remember that making mistakes is part of our evolution as human beings. It's normal to make mistakes, even necessary, so don't beat yourself up because you made one, two or more mistakes. Great names in world history have been wrong countless times until they managed to achieve success. Thomas Edson is a classic example of a succession of mistakes until he managed to create the light bulb.

    How do you react to your mistakes?2 – Allow yourself to err: we are often afraid of putting projects into practice, talking to people or simply making decisions precisely because of the fear of making mistakes. Allowing yourself to make mistakes is important so that the goals we have in mind get off the ground and are accomplished. Not just allow yourself to be wrong, but allow yourself to do what you would like to do.

    3 – Don’t point out the mistakes of others: when we over-notice or point out others' mistakes and shortcomings, we are forgetting our own faults and issues. The consequence of this is inertia in our own lives. So, always be on the lookout for your continuous improvement and don't worry about giving unnecessary attention to the mistakes of others.

    4 – Try to meditate: the same goes for praying. Take a few minutes out of your day (the more the better) to immerse yourself in your own life, your β€œI”. Pray, mentalize, meditate. Find some meditation that pleases you and practice. The result you will feel over the days through your attitudes, which will be changing for the better.

    Always remember: it is necessary to err. Making mistakes is part of everyone's life, including yours. Do not exclude or try to ignore the vibrations that you emit in your own life, for the qualities and defects that you have are what constitute your β€œI”. Making mistakes is a sign that opportunities exist to evolve at any time.

    β€œI learned that you learn by making mistakes.

    That growing up doesn't mean having a birthday

    That silence is the best answer, when you hear nonsense

    That working means not only making money

    What friends we conquer by showing what we are

    That true friends always stay with you until the end

    That evil hides behind a beautiful face

    That you don't wait for happiness to come, but you look for it

    That when I think I know everything I still haven't learned anything

    That nature is the most beautiful thing in life

    That loving means giving yourself completely

    That a single day can be more important than many years

    That you can talk to stars

    That you can confess with the moon

    That you can travel beyond infinity

    That hearing a word of affection is good for health

    That giving a affection also makes...

    that dreaming is necessary

    Which must be child a lifetime

    that our being is free

    That God forbids nothing in the name of love

    That the judgment of others is not important

    That what really matters is Inner Peace

    I already fought with my parents

    I already promised and didn't deliver

    I already cried for a toy

    I already know the value of what is lost

    I already lost friends by bullshit

    I already burned myself in the pan

    I already laughed so I don't cry

    I already cut myself

    I already ignored

    I already felt ignored

    I already know what's right and what's not

    I already know that I don't always do the right thing

    I already caught seashells on the beach

    I already slept crying

    I almost got a zero..

    I already played to be happy

    I already made myself a victim

    I've had colds from staying in bed

    I've had secret moments

    I already rolled on the grass

    I already ate too much because I was distressed

    I already needed attention


    And finally, I learned that you can't die, to learn to live..."

    - Unknown author

    • Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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