Are lemon balm and lemon balm the same thing?

Lemon balm tea and lemon balm juice are quite famous natural drinks, as the strong and pleasant taste of this plant yields a lot when taken to the kitchen, resulting in phenomenal mixtures when combined with other foods. But most likely you've consumed one of these recipes wondering if the herb involved was really a lemon balm or if it was a lemon balm.

This confusion with terms is quite common, and there is an explanation for it! In fact, “cidreira” is a herb that can be found in at least 4 different types of plants — and each one of them receives a different name. To put an end to all your doubts regarding this subject, check out each of the types of lemon balm below and understand once and for all their specifics!

types of lemon balm

Confusion occurs, as there are three species of lemon balm. See the features of each:

1. Melissa officinalis

It is also known as lemon balm, lemon balm, lemon balm and lemon balm. Native to Europe and Asia, it is a creeper and its leaves resemble those of mint. With a refreshing and subtle flavor, Melissa officinalis has a greater sedative action. Other benefits are the prevention and improvement of digestive problems, relief from menstrual cramps and repellent action. In Europe, it is common to use ointment with extract of this herb.

Side effects: reduced blood pressure and heart rate.

Contraindications: May potentiate hormonal effects in people with hypothyroidism. The essential oil should not be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children under 6 years old, people with gastritis and patients with neurological problems, because the substances linalool and terpineol alter the central nervous system.

2. Lippia Alba

Popularly called cider-española, it is found in South America. Its leaves are small and hairy and have purplish flowers. With the flavor of full-bodied tea, Lippia alba also works against digestive problems and has a calming effect.

Are lemon balm and lemon balm the same thing?

Side effects: lowering blood pressure

Contraindications: diarrhea, nausea and vomiting in high doses.

3. Cymbopogon citratus

Very popular in Spain, lemongrass is also known as lemongrass, lemongrass and fragrant grass. Originally from India, the leaves are long and narrow and have a strong lemon scent. Its refreshing tea has sedative, diuretic, expectorant properties and relieves intestinal problems.

Side effects: burns if the skin is exposed to the sun after using the essential oil.

Contraindications: pregnant women.

Valéria Conde, a biologist at “Horta de Chá”, in Araxá (Minas Gerais), explains that the taste of the teas is identical. Valéria also says that, to enjoy the benefits, the leaves must be washed without crushing or cutting. After cleaning, she put the leaves without bending in a pan with boiling water. She turns off the fire and cover the pan until it warms up.

And what is lemon balm tea for?

A good lemon balm tea has certainly been chosen as the ideal remedy to help you at a point in your life. But maybe you don't remember very well details about when this happened. Were you having a sore throat? Headache? Bellyache? Find out why this tea can help you below!

Lemon balm tea can help you in two main ways. The first of these is to treat stomach problems such as gas, nausea and cramping. The second use of the drink is the promotion of tranquility in episodes of anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression. These properties are a result of the plant's composition, which is quite beneficial.

Some of the ingredients present in lemon balm are polyphenols – such as flavonoids –, caffeic acid, tannins, terpenes and rosmarinic acid. All these compounds help your body in the digestion process and also increase the feeling of happiness, which will help you to cope with periods of tension.

So, if you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, feeling sick after eating, nervousness with small situations, bloating in your belly or having many symptoms of premenstrual tension (the famous PMS), lemon balm tea can help you. . And how will you prepare it? Follow the recipe!

lemon balm tea

lemon balm tea


  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 3 tablespoons of Melissa officinalis leaves, which is the most suitable type of lemon balm for this preparation. You can also find it with the names lemon balm, true lemon balm or melissa.


Add the lemon balm leaves to boiling water. Cover the container for about ten minutes and strain the mixture. You can ingest this preparation three to four times a day or when you feel you need it!

Recipes with lemon balm

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) ice cream


• 1 cup of lemon balm tea;
• 2/3 cup of water;
• 1 colorless gelatin envelope;
• 400 grams of natural yogurt;
• ½ cup of brown sugar tea.


Place the lemon balm, water and gelatin in a saucepan. Leave on the fire until the gelatin dissolves. Transfer to a blender and blend with yogurt and sugar. Pour the mixture into ice cream molds and place in the freezer for 24 hours.

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and Ginger Juice

Are lemon balm and lemon balm the same thing?
Olga Yastremska / 123RF


• 1 liter of water;
• 1 lemon juice;
• 10 leaves of lemongrass;
• 3 slices of ginger;
• ½ cup brown sugar (optional)


Blend the ingredients in a blender for 3 minutes and strain.

Lemongrass and Ginger Cake


• 10 fresh and chopped lemon balm leaves;
• 1 cup of oat bran tea;
• 1 cup of flaxseed;
• 3 slices of ginger;
• 1 cup of brown sugar tea;
• 3 eggs;
• 4 tablespoons of vegetable cream;
• 1 tablespoon of powdered chemical yeast;
• Vegetable cream to spread to form.


Heat a cup and a half of tea. Add the lemon balm and let it boil for 2 minutes. When the tea is cold, puree it in a blender and sieve. Beat the eggs, the vegetable cream and the sugar in the mixer until obtaining a cream. Turn off the mixer and add the oat bran, flaxseed and yeast, mixing well. Put it in a greased shape with a central hole and take it to the medium oven (180Âş C) for approximately 40 minutes.

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  • Learn how to use lemongrass and lemon balm to treat diseases
  • Discover 15 teas that will help you take better care of your health
  • Check out recipes for teas to cure insomnia

Did you like to discover the differences between the types of lemon balm? Learn more about the properties of lemongrass or lemongrass.

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