Intimacy, Love and Eternity

Intimacy is a rare and precious pearl. The essence of intimacy is the overcoming of the apparent ontological distance between two beings. We seek that the other recognizes us and opens himself entirely to our spirit. Intimacy does not depend on a special insight that the other has about us, not even on a sophisticated theoretical framework used as a crutch to understand us, but on a naked listening to expectations, on a detachment from himself as he sees us and us. realize.

The encounter is a mystical event.

It requires contact beyond the imaginary world in which one lives. A way out of the simulacrum in which our life has become immersed. This is extremely subtle. I become empty and full of silence and there, where I am most alive, I am able to recognize the truth inherent in both of us. In that pure inner space we can find ourselves totally, and if you are in the same place, if you feel the same way, there is no longer any difference between you and me. We will perceive ourselves identical in silence, in the living space from which we never leave and where the world appears and disappears continuously.

This is a real and very mysterious experience. Our borders are lost. What I feel is what you feel and what you feel is what I feel. In total synchrony, in the sympathy of sensations, everything I imagined about you disappears for me to see fully, and then, briefly, love emerges on the plane of transient existence as a glimpse of a unique Being that still eludes us.

Intimacy, Love and Eternity

Another quality of this place-state is its timelessness. There's no time there. Nothing happens. Circumstances do not affect you. It is a space of transcendence. So when we find ourselves in that place, when we feel love for someone, when that space of intimacy arises, it's like we're looking beyond our finite condition. We see ourselves without the veil and there is no longer an β€œI” or a β€œyou”. But this is not necessarily perceived explicitly. We only realize that the loneliness intrinsic to our condition has been overcome. Not knowing exactly how or why those eyes on the other body see us as if we were in them; at the same time, it is a not you, it is an other in fact.

However, this understanding puts us in a thorny position. This infinite state shows itself and reveals itself to the two of us, who are no longer two, and from there our finite life is seen and experienced. And the entrance of infinity here in this world is never trivial. It is possibly the most significant event for finite beings, we creatures of time. It causes tension in our life. Something bigger appears and now we can no longer accept the ordinary experience of life. We caught a ray of light beyond the veil.

Intimacy, Love and Eternity

There is an enormous tension between the infinite reality and the finite world.

The intrinsic tension behind love. It contains all the force of something eternal that arises within this world of passages, which therefore can never be captured and eternalized, because only the temporary vision of eternity is allowed here – paradox of paradoxes – and in this tension love subsists. When it begins, we already know its end and, however, it is in the recognition of the eternal that it begins, otherwise it would not be love.

Perhaps this is the metaphysical basis for the inevitable pain present in all loves. Behind all the small conflicts of everyday life, the disputes and disagreements, the encounters and disagreements, perhaps in each of these moments pulsates the weight of eternity in tension with time, with the inevitable passage of all things. Every day the glow of immortality we once felt seems to fade. And yet, if clouds and oblivions do not have the final word, this glow may perhaps reveal itself as the underlying truth of all that has been lived. The essential that has always been there, because it is a spark of the real. What felt magically clear at the beginning is present at all times, including at the end – especially at the end. And possibly we will understand that the struggles between lovers are precisely due to the tireless attempt to keep the perception of this eternal glow alive, and that this glow is not lost in the detours of life.

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