Planetary Transition involves the entire galaxy

Planetary Transition involves the entire galaxy

Beloved! We are in a period never lived before, the Planetary Transition and, therefore, not yet known to humanity. It is a time of late gestation, where the Earth is giving birth to a New Earth. Nothing will ever be like before! All energy known to humanity will cease to exist, as what the Sun, our energy source, will bring us from now on, will no longer be in the same known vibration.

The planetary Sun that illuminates us is actually a Star Portal that connects the Earth to the Center of our Galaxy. Within this Center, there is another Sun, called “Galactic Central Sun” that beats like a heart. With each pulse, it sends to Earth and to the other planets of this System, the energies that maintain life, no matter which Dimension each one is in.

Our planetary home has been in a Third Dimensional vibration for all known eons. This kept the mineral, animal, and vegetable Kingdoms in slow and tight progress within what can be known in higher Dimensions. The Third Dimension is a denser space, where matter prevails, and therefore, a world of temporary creation. What is matter has a shorter duration compared to what is more subtle energy.

Within this 3D world, man harbors a Spirit, which in turn, starts to experience a whole learning process surrounded by a consciential fog, called “veil of oblivion”. Even though it is an immortal Spirit, it goes through an illusory process here in the Third Dimension that, apparently, represents a birth, a certain time of life and death.

The material world is relatively shorter.

So everything changes faster. Even though the Spirit that inhabits every human being is immortal, human consciousness does not recognize it as such. Only when it passes to the Superior Plane, that is, to the Fourth Dimension, does the Spirit recover its memory and see itself still alive, even in a more fluid, semi-material body. It is there that he recognizes the possibilities and the existence of Dimensions beyond matter.

However, not only our Universe, but the multiverses, are always in constant MOVEMENT AND MUTATION. And so, after so many billions of years, the time has come to take a step forward, or go up one more step in the evolutionary ladder of the worlds.

So we are now starting the movement for a Quantum Leap from our planetary home. Earth is moving up a dimensional octave and entering the Fifth Dimension. There is a broadening of the level of human consciousness with this Event.

Since the end of 2012, when the Earth and the entire Solar System definitively entered the Photon Belt (the beam of Crystalline Light coming from the Galactic Central Sun), the changes here have accelerated in such a way that each day corresponds to hundreds or thousands of years compared to times gone by.

Now everything accelerates!

Everything goes very fast! Even the sense of time is halved. But it is not Earth's privilege to go through this ascension. Our entire Galaxy is moving up an octave dimensional. Other Planets and other Solar Systems now climb the same higher dimensional degree. It means that there is a collective "evolution" of all worlds.

Many more evolved Orb Keepers are now present in our atmosphere with their Ships and their armies of educated beings to give us the necessary support. We're going to need them a lot, as everything is new in this Transition. We've never been through anything like it. Nothing and no one knows such news.

However, for everything to proceed in a more peaceful and less frightening way, every day more and more human beings are able to channel the information passed by the Angelic Spirits that are helping us at this moment.

Such information makes humanity able to absorb the events that will gradually arise here. No older literature provides answers to such events that already appear before our eyes. Today, the information is timely and accurate. They come at the right time and bring what we need for the moment. No fantasies, no frightening, no individual interests, however, always very enlightening, and free for anyone interested in the subject.

As consciousness awakens to the new reality, more and more channelers qualify to be spokespersons for the New Age.

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The Planetary Transition will be sweet and smooth for those who are determined to step into the flow of change. However, it will be bitter and painful for those who resist them. It will also be harder for those who are too attached to material things, since on the New Earth everything will be more subtle, that is, less dense, less material.

According to some instructions from the Angelic Helpers, nothing will be as we know it until now. Also by the instructions of the higher spirits, the Earth will cease to be a World of Trials and Atonements, to become a World of Regeneration. This means that there will be no more pain or suffering here.

A wonderful world awaits us.

However, not everyone will inherit the New Earth. As the great Master Jesus Christ told us, only the meek and pure of heart will inherit it. Transition will occur for everyone, regardless of beliefs or any other type of power. It is a Decree from Above and against it no human can do anything to the contrary.

Those who do not have the appropriate energies for the new vibrations will have to emigrate to another orb with corresponding energies. It means to say that for these, the Transition will not occur. They must continue their journey in search of learning not yet completed here.

Also the other Kingdoms of Earth, mineral, vegetable and animal (besides man), will undergo a great transformation. Everyone will take a big step on their evolutionary path. The signs are already being seen and felt by all who are gradually awakening their consciences. Everything that is old dies and the NEW begins to take its place. 

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.

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