Meditation on opening the portal 11.11.11

    Beloved! As a suggestion and also because it was requested by some people, here is a meditation model to better activate the Stargate No. Planet Earth and, mainly, to activate in you the anchoring of the New Energies that are coming. Many will be able, shortly after this 11.11, to access 5D energies. It's a beautiful opportunity.

    The stipulated time is at 14:11 pm (Spain time) and 16:11 pm (in Portugal). Wherever you are, you can do the meditation at this corresponding time. The whole world will do it at the same time.

    Meditation on opening the portal 11.11.11

    You can do the meditation in your usual way, but if you want to do it in a deeper way, and to achieve the same collective goals, I follow a model that was passed on by the Angelic Hierarchies and posted on the The Event and the Ascension website. Use your own technique to get into a relaxed state of consciousness. Declare your intention for the healing of the Earth and her inhabitants. And also the removal of Toplet bombs that still delay the triggering of the EVENT.

    Visualize two pillars of Light.

    One of the blue color coming from the center of the Galaxy, reaching here through the Sun, passing through the Angelic Beings that support us, crossing your body and heading towards the center of the Earth.

    Another pillar of golden Light, coming from the center of the Earth, passing through your body and going into space, passing through the Angelic Beings, through our Sun and going towards the center of the Galaxy.

    Right now, you are anchored in these two pillars of Light, flowing that energy from top to bottom and bottom to top. Move this energy around for a few minutes.

    Meditation on opening the portal 11.11.11

    Then visualize on the chests of all the people who are meditating their heart chakra and send a pink light connecting each other as a network of love and unity.

    Now visualize a crystalline white light coming from the center of the Galaxy, passing through the Sun, purifying all the Toplet bombs (these are plasma bombs that the dark ones still use) around the Earth. Imagine the Galactic Forces collecting and dissolving these bombs.

    Meditation on opening the portal 11.11.11

    Visualize all people in a state of joy and happiness in their jobs, in their relationships, living in abundance and each working on their soul mission. And finally, visualize the EVENT happening, restoring unity, harmony, peace and prosperity throughout the Earth and for all people. Then, glimpse the Light of Divine Source reigning on this planet determining the End of Times of Trials and Atonements. Only peace and unity will remain here.

    This meditation can last about 10 minutes.

    It doesn't matter if it's a little less or a little more.
    If you miss the time, you can do it later without any problem.
    Just put the intention to join your meditation with all those who did it at the agreed time.


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