Transcendental Triad

    How to reach our transcendental side?

    We live in a world where we are contaminated all the time with external energies, sensations and emotions, but this cannot always be a good thing, we have to understand that we are part of a possibility of the universe, to understand better, we are divided into 4 parts in our "box", which would be our matter in the plane where we find ourselves, thus, the physical, energetic, emotional and our psychological body, they who rule our body if we are not aware of it. And it is our box that is often contaminated by the experiences and experiences of other human beings, which end up encouraging us or moving us away from our purpose. That's where the Triad comes in, which can remind us and make us always be honest with our inner selves.

    What does “Transcendental Triad” mean?

    Transcendental Triad

    The Triad itself has several concepts and meanings, but what I bring here is through the eyes of philosophy and transcendental spirituality, the shape that represents it is a triangle and is made up of pure mind, intuition and our enthusiasm.

    Pure Mind - Our mental, our consciousness in a state of 100% purity, clarity and conviction of who we are and why we are.

    Intuition – Our intuition would be our soul in contact with our mind, it is the voice inside our head that sometimes we do not know where it comes from, for example: when we are in doubt which direction to go, left or right, and something tells you it has to go to the right, that certainty is our soul talking to us, that is our intuition.

    Enthusiasm – From Latin, when we translate it, it means “God who comes from within”, that is, the apex of the will, the apex of something that is already within us and that we just need to let it express itself.

    Transcendental Triad

    And so we form the Triad, if we know how to respect the individuality of each stage of our evolution, from our box to our Triad, without a doubt, we will always be at peace of mind, because being happy is in the search we do throughout life. , not in a prize at the end of it, we need to understand that the box is part of our incarnation and that the Triad is a support for us to deal with some situations, that we ourselves and our karma provide us, that is, we have everything in hands to face and enjoy this wonderful experience, which is life.

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