When it all happens, you'll be where you're supposed to be

Beloved! Everything points to the Big Event! Although we cannot know in advance what this GREAT EVENT will be, nor the day and hour when it will come, it is allowed for us to understand and disclose the changes that are already taking place and many that are yet to come.

A fact that no one can deny is that each human being receives guidance according to his or her degree of understanding. It would be a waste of time and useless to pass on information to those who do not understand it. Even though there are still those who doubt it, it won't be long and they will also have the opportunity to see that the Earth is indeed making her Planetary Transition.

THE BIG EVENT is just one of many events that are already happening and that are yet to come. It will undoubtedly be the definitive MILESTONES that will establish the end of Darkness and the beginning of the Age of Light. Perhaps it is the only event that all humanity will be able to see, feel and experience at the same time, even if differently for each one.

Such an event was long awaited by all Spirits on Earth, whether incarnate or disincarnate. A SPECTACULAR PARTY, which will put an end to a great Cycle and start another. It will be the event that will lift the Earth and her humanity to a Better World, where all pain and suffering will cease to exist.

The chaos you see now is the big sign that everything is approaching. It's the cleaning of the planetary hall for the big Feast! Trust! You can't receive such an important visitor with a dirty and untidy house. It is necessary to prepare a harmonious environment, because this visit comes to elevate us to the higher Dimensions, that's why it was so awaited for so many millennia.

When it all happens, you'll be where you're supposed to be
Clinton Weaver / Pexels

It is also true that not everyone will be able to attend the Party that will honor or even welcome such a celebrity. Not to mention those who are upset or angry with your arrival. It's all about vibrational affinity. The energies are grouping into two blocks: the positive and the negative. Nothing will stop this from happening, as it is also an event within the Great Event.

You who have prepared, waited and longed for all this can hardly wait as your HIGHER SELF knows the curtains are opening. The emotion is almost out of control. Even some physical or emotional discomfort may arise, as it is normal, as we are not yet fully immersed in the energies of the Fifth Dimension. These symptoms are still remnants of the 3D vibrations. Don't worry! Trust! It's all within the Higher Planes!

WHEN EVERYTHING HAPPENS, YOU WILL BE WHERE YOU SHOULD BE. Remember that everything is energy! Everything obeys the Law of Attraction. You will be drawn to the place or situation that matches your own vibration, meaning your own energy. And this is exactly where your vibration will lead you. Nobody will be in the wrong place!

When it all happens, you'll be where you're supposed to be
Marius Venter / Pexels

Everyone will see what they need to see! Everyone will feel what they need to feel! Everyone will go through what they need to go through! Everyone will have what they need to have, whether before, during or after the BIG EVENT!

Who will lead all this is not of this physical world, because no human consciousness is prepared to coordinate such an Event.

Soon you will know and understand perfectly how it all unfolds. You will see that there is no reason for external concerns. You will understand that it only depends on you, because everything is within you. The Great Event will take place outside, but according to the resonance that is within each one.

THE WORLD YOU WANT IS THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE! The situation you expect to happen will actually happen! So, seen in this way, there will be no surprise, even if the facts are different for every human.

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No matter how much chaos increases; no matter how critical the situation around is; no matter how hostile the climate is; no matter how much hopelessness prevails in the collectivity; however much the authorities let you down; however much human beings show their perversities; still, TRUST! You are and will always be very protected, because nothing will happen to you if it is not necessary for you! The Greater Law determined: "In this Planetary Transition, no one will go through what they don't need to go through". This Law is not of men; is from the Creator. So no one can change it. And that's all!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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