Understanding the dimensions

Beloved! The Planetary Transition is nothing more than the change of Dimensions to which Earth and everything on it undergoes during this phase. I will put it here, in a very didactic way, so that everyone can understand a little more about this subject, since the questions are constant.

It has been said before that the Third Dimension – other than the Fourth, Fifth and above – are not places. They are actually symbioses between a vibrating state of energy and a state of consciousness.

The energetic state is related to the Orb, that is, to the specific world, be it a Planet, a Star or any other Sidereal Sphere. In the case of Earth, for example, we can include everything there, such as minerals, vegetables, animals, the air itself, water, sunlight, etc. This energetic part determines the planetary state in a condition that was previously restricted to 3D and 4D (Third and Fourth Dimensions).

The state of consciousness refers, in addition to the consciousness of Gaia, mainly to the consciousness of the Spirits that are part of the Earth, whether incarnate or disincarnate. Until recently, the incarnates were conditioned to the energies of the Third Dimension. The disembodied ones occupied the tracks of the Fourth Dimension. Everything in the Earth's crust also invariably vibrated in bands within 3D.

Dimensions are very wide bands, so they can be divided into many smaller bands, which we will name as follows, based on 4D, which is where humanity predominates now:

The first tracks that enter 4D are called Low Fourth Dimension. The intermediate bands, of the Fourth Middle Dimension. In addition to these, the higher ranges are called the Upper Fourth Dimension.

I make a caveat here: you don't have to die to be in 4D. We are explaining that Dimensions are frequencies, not places. That is why many incarnates are currently able to remember the past and foresee the future; this will soon become very clear to many of you. This also explains the improvement in communication with other Spirits, which was previously very rare.

Understanding the dimensions
Mohamed Nohassi / Unsplash

If before the Earth was restricted to 3D and 4D, the incarnates transited through different tracks within 3D. The disembodied ones did the same within 4D. No one, however, could transit the tracks of the Fifth Dimension, unless they made their ascension, and then they could leave the Earth and go to orbits belonging to higher Worlds, from 5D onwards, a situation that released them from the wheel. of reincarnations.

Oh! Then that's it! Now we can understand why people are not equal in their state of consciousness. Each one is on its evolutionary step, that is, in a certain range, whatever Dimension it is. Thus, we can now describe and understand, in fact, how a Planetary Transition takes place.

While the Earth belonged to Dimensions 3 and 4, its denser vibration conditioned humanity to a World of Atonements and Proofs, as a limited consciousness does not achieve the connection with the SOURCE and necessarily places it in situations of duality, that is, in practice. of acts and actions that require later redemptions. Such a specific condition of the Third Dimension conditioned human consciousness in a limit between 2% and 3% of its real capacity.

That is why there is a need for the Fourth Dimension to exist as an appendix of Planet Earth. The incarnate Spirit needed to go through disincarnation, so that his consciousness, free from the weight of matter, could enter this higher Dimension, and, when reaching a range of consciousness between 15 and 20%, he recapitulated his existences in matter and could project new incarnation and new projects that would elevate him later.

Few have ascended within these limitations. But there have always been possibilities, even if limited. Following the Divine Plans, the Earth comes to the end of this long Cycle in which limited 3D and 4D density predominated. Starting in 2012, when the quadrant of the Galaxy to which the Earth belongs definitively entered the Photon Belt, all the energy rose rapidly. As a planetary consciousness, the Earth has gone up all the bands pertaining to 3D and 4D and its minimum vibration has not lowered further than 5D.

Understanding the dimensions
ActionVance / Unsplash

Then began a period in which everything changes around here. We have said before that the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms make this adaptation naturally. Consequently, the water itself, the air, the Light and everything else already vibrates in these bands within the Fifth Dimension.

The biggest problem is really within the human consciences, the only consciences that have free will, so the choices are individual, not collective as in other realms. This is the trait that determines who is ready (or not) to ascend. There is a short deadline – or a wait – on the part of Above, which is why this wait is called Transition. It is a TRANSIT between the multiple vibratory bands of each Dimension.

If the Earth is already fully vibrating in 5D, the same cannot be said for the Spirits. Here the mix is ​​great. Even if the Light and energies favor it, it depends on each one to expand (or not) their consciousness. It is these differences that place humanity, both incarnate and disembodied, in real “shelves” of energetic variation.

Most incarnates change frequency all the time. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. Sometimes it puts its feet on the first 5D tracks, then goes back to 4D tracks and also goes to lower tracks. This is reminiscent of the first steps of a baby rehearsing its walk. We are now in this planetary energetic state.

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As the days go by, the Earth rises. Today it vibrates fully in 5D and above, reaching peaks of 6D and 7D. It will rise further, until it stabilizes in a range between 5D and 9D. This frequency will definitely position the Earth as a World of Regeneration.

It will also be the vibrational range of human consciousnesses that will inherit this New Earth. There will be variable Dimensions between 5D and 9D, as there will be constant evolution in the World of Regeneration. It is certain that there will be no Trials or Atonements, but learning does not cease.

Upon reaching the 5D vibration, man will raise his consciousness to a level of 79% to 80%. He will be able to expand even more, as he can vibrate in 6D, 7D, 8D and 9D, reaching, then, the fullness of his consciousness, that is, reaching 100%. That's why the physical bodies of humans in 5D through 9D will be more or less identical to today's. Much more subtle, though, as an improved version.

Above the Tenth Dimension, then yes, the Spirit will no longer have a body as we know it today. You will lose practically all the density that still exists and will transform into a body of Light. It will also be from then on that your conscience will have no more limits. Until then, we will learn a lot that we cannot even imagine today. So let's stick to what we're allowed to know.

Understanding the dimensions
Marcus Dall Col / Unsplash

There was also a very big change in the Fourth Dimension, starting in 2012. What we understood through the codification of Kardec's Spiritist Doctrine, which, by the way, was the Solace of incarnate humanity, is now changing rapidly. Even the disembodied, the Spirit, is going through a series of adaptations according to these changes, because time is pressing! It's not what it used to be. As information will be released, we will try to put more on this subject, as it is important for those who will still have to disincarnate. And even for the comfort of the family members who stay here.

Remember that the Transition is a period of change of vibrational bands, not only of energies, but, above all, for us, Spirits, a change of consciousness. And therein lies the whole difference. Everyone is in their own lane. And also each track is within each Dimension. Anyone who does not leave 3D will not enter the tracks of the Fourth Dimension. And whoever is already in 4D and does not leave its vibration will not enter the Fifth Dimension tracks either. There's a time for that. At the end of that time, however, everything will be enshrined.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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