The world view is not the same for everyone

Beloved! You have to be careful from here on out. The changes that are already taking place and that are yet to come can cause a lot of joy for some, but they can also cause a lot of pain for others. This is natural, because each one understands according to what he can digest.

The vision of each will no longer be through the eyes, as they are part of a Third Dimensional body. 3D is ceasing to exist and this will take place in a very short time, making it difficult for a part of humanity to absorb all these changes.

The new vision will be made by consciousness. And it is from this point that we can understand that, before, everything that the eyes saw was in fact an illusion. Everyone saw according to their beliefs. They taught us that each object and each situation represented something already known to everyone, because everyone learned in the same way.

Through physical eyes, one can only see as far as vision reaches or as limiting beliefs allow. Nothing more than that. In this way, humanity, in general, can never see beyond the horizon, even with today's technologies, which, although they have shortened distances and narrowed the world, have changed little or nothing for those who have not widened their consciousness.

Limited consciousness does not allow one to interpret reality, even when new situations arise. The mind does not allow it. It simply associates the new with the old, always within the old beliefs. Makes a poorly done arrangement just to add something to something that already exists.

The old belief cannot separate the old from the new simply because it is more comfortable to follow the Law of Least Effort, so it is easier to deny what you don't understand. At most, a comparison or a judgment is made, but always bringing together the interests of each one.

Limited consciousness obeys a single principle! The first analysis of each situation or fact is unfailingly this: DOES IT INTEREST ME? DOES IT GIVE ME ADVANTAGES? WILL THIS FAVOR OR GO AGAINST MY PERSONAL GOALS? Ultimately, limited consciousness is also limited to your EGOIC SELF.

The world view is not the same for everyone
Taras Abbat / Pexels

The expanded or enlarged consciousness is never limited to the EGO. It ignores individual selfishness and always analyzes the whole. It puts all the facts and situations on a scale that weighs the collective. Their attitudes and interests are always focused on the whole. They are not limited to your individual, your family, your city, your state, your country. He makes no distinction, as he knows perfectly well that what benefits the whole will certainly benefit himself and his neighbors.

The broader conscience always wants the best, as it does not see the limitations of borders, the walls that separate houses, individual social positions and the interests of groups, whether governments, parties, clubs, associations, etc. It sees collective possibilities first, that is, cooperation rather than competition.

The New Earth, which is already materializing, will no longer accept any form of competition. It will not accept any conscience still trapped in the limitation of its personal interests. It will not accept any situation in which someone can take advantage to the detriment of another's losses. The New Earth will have an energy in which everything will work in favor of the whole. Cooperation will be the basis of new consciousnesses. The EGO will give way to unconditional love.

The world view is not the same for everyone

It will not help to have knowledge if it is not directed to new practices. Your work will not do any good if it is not at the service of the UNO. It's no use having if you don't practice BEing. From now on, your conscience will be the BARCODE that will identify who you are. Appearance, packaging, camouflage or any other subterfuge will be useless, as there is no one to deceive or anything to deceive.

The events will come in a chain and in an intense way. The dominoes are already falling piece by piece. We will, yes, have a few years ahead in which everything will adjust. Pieces that do not fit into the puzzle will be discarded. The cleaning has already started! The cleaning of Earth's astral zones has been completed. The low Thresholds are being emptied. Now only the Earth's Crust remains, exactly the strip where the incarnates are. We will see clearly how the energy cleaning will work. We will see personalities being removed, some in disbelief, as they were so cunning that they managed to deceive everyone all the time.

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Truth, revelations and Justice will finally take over this Planet. And limited consciousness will have serious difficulties in absorbing so many changes. But those who prepared themselves will know and understand everything that is happening, and they will even have the commitment to help those who will experience a shock of reality. We are at the dawn of a new day. And those who have disdained you so far will be the first to ask you for help. Use compassion now, because without it little or nothing will serve you your services. The times have come!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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