The relationship between Planetary Transition, Shumann Resonance and the expansion of the level of our consciousness – part 1

    More and more people are reporting to us, especially in the last five years, that their lives are changing, that they feel “different” in many ways – especially mentally and emotionally – and say they don't know what's going on! Some even come to us scared with so many changes “at once” in such a short time and ask for help because they think they have gone crazy!

    Changes are an integral part of cosmic (divine) laws according to metaphysical currents.

    We know that, in the mentioned period, many events made some people look for changes and adaptations in their lives. But, in this reflection, we intend to talk about a topic that has begun to be more publicized in groups that talk about Planetary Transition.

    For many years, we have been looking to update ourselves on information about changes that can make a big “turnaround” (a shift) almost sudden in social behavior. But we especially like the phenomena that occur “behind the scenes”!

    The relationship between Planetary Transition, Shumann Resonance and the expansion of the level of our consciousness – part 1
    leminuit de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    And, among several possibilities of elements that would describe this turning point that is increasingly being reported and perceived (in media, groups, organizations, etc.), one in particular caught our attention: the changes in the patterns of Schumann Resonances.

    Yes, that's right, we are having significant changes in "the heartbeat" of Planet Earth (or Gaia, as some know it).

    This affectionate nickname of the heartbeat of the Earth was given by some researchers and plumbers, since this resonance was verified, in 1952, by the German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who observed the behavior of waves in part of the atmosphere, about 100 km from Earth. surface to part of the ionosphere.

    In this “layer”, an electric field has been observed that has a variety of waves that, if combined “properly”, create a resonance. Since then, scientists have discovered that variations in the resonances correspond to changes in climatic features, activity in the Earth's magnetic environment, and especially when a behavior change event in solar activity occurs and this affects/alters the behavior of the Schumann Resonance.

    We do not intend here to describe in detail the scientific aspects of the Schumann Resonance (we will call it “RS” from now on), but some details are important to understand the incredible relationship it has with the changes that are happening!

    The relationship between Planetary Transition, Shumann Resonance and the expansion of the level of our consciousness – part 1
    Reproduction / NASA

    Experiments have shown that the fundamental frequency of this resonance is approximately 7,8 Hz (hertz), and the upper harmonic frequencies are 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, 45, and 51 Hz. This fundamental frequency remained almost unchanged for a long time, including the others. However, in recent decades these harmonics have begun to change.

    So that we can understand what is happening in a simpler way, let's use a metaphor: imagine a choir singing in a low tone, always keeping the same intonation, all the members. Now, the choir director went on to ask them to change and increase the intonation! But not for a long time, only when the regent asks! And not all the members of the choir: sometimes one, or two, or three…

    So let's get to what matters most to us now: in the last five years, this choir started to “sing” differently! Yes, RS started singing a “louder” choir with members singing louder more often!

    We can verify this through graphs that show how these waves peak, like the example below:

    The relationship between Planetary Transition, Shumann Resonance and the expansion of the level of our consciousness – part 1 / Personal Collection / Gil Gael

    In this graph, in a simple and didactic way so that we can understand and analyze what happens, the vertical bars identify the intensity peaks in hertz (left axis) and the amplitude quality (right axis). The lower horizontal bar shows the peak times, depending on the location of the institute where the measurement was taken (this is important, because we do not have RS meters in Spain, so there is a need to convert the time zone).

    Especially from 2017, RS harmonicas started then “a new song”!

    This is because the “cascades” of peaks began to intensify from that year onwards. Much more so at the end of 2021, and from there to the present moment (August 2022).
    We noticed a change, mainly, in the quality of the amplitudes, especially in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonics, which have peaks that exceed, in some situations, 100 Hz!

    In the graph, the low peaks are shown in black and blue colors; the medium ones, in green and yellow; and the highest, in red and white – more visible in the first image/graphic of the article.

    See the chart below to understand the “waterfalls”:

    The relationship between Planetary Transition, Shumann Resonance and the expansion of the level of our consciousness – part 1
    Personal Collection / Gil Gael

    According to some researchers, this increase is due to numerous factors, all practically related to the Planetary Transition. In particular, the planet's climate and tectonic changes and solar activities that are different.
    The icing on the cake here is that for some experts, such as Dr. Joe Dispenza (American researcher/writer specializing in neuroscience and meditation), the increase in RS peaks has a great impact on the influence of our level of consciousness.

    According to this expert, “increases in frequency (peaks of RS) create increases in consciousness, and as our consciousness increases, we are more aware of what is happening around us (…) As the Earth undergoes its metamorphosis , perhaps we also have to go through this period of emotional intensity related to beta brainwaves before we enter a new awareness of gamma brainwave states.

    And wouldn't that improve our nervous system and expand our perception and awareness of reality?”

    In short, when the Earth “sings” differently, our mental and emotional state follows suit! Isn't that spectacular? Even more: you can contribute and co-create a “song” with Gaia to change reality to something totally new, incredibly beautiful, harmonious and balanced!

    We will continue this subject in part 2 of the text, in which we will address the consequences of this “new song” for the current world and what we can do to “enter the choir” of the “New Earth”.

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    Below, we will leave some links for those who want to follow the daily RS charts:

    GCMS Magnetometer
    Schumann Resonance Today

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