The collapse of 3D

    Beloved! Planet Earth no longer vibrates in the Third Dimension. The minimum frequency range is in 4D, but it won't stay in that vibration for long either. It is already possible to feel the activations of 5D, 6D and 7D. Remembering that, when the minimum base is in the Fifth Dimension, we will have 5 vibrational tracks on our Planet, that is, frequencies between 5D and 9D. That will be the energy of the New Earth.

    This year 2022 will be a marker year as we leave the Third Dimension behind. Many now feel this shift in energies. The strange symptoms that most experience in their body, both physically and emotionally, is a hallmark of this shift.

    We don't know when 4D will also be left behind for good, but it shouldn't be long. Some references tell us there are 6 steps, and now we are completing the XNUMXrd. Let us hope, therefore, that after this current year, the world as we know it will no longer be the same energetically.

    But it is necessary to understand that the vibration of the Planet and its Realms makes this transition naturally, independently of humanity. Gaia's consciousness predominates over the Planet itself, mainly over the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, but the human has its own consciousness, as it belongs to a different classification of soul.

    Endowed with his free will, he has the soul, a freedom of individual choices within this Terran school. This is the reason that makes all the difference within a Planetary Transition.

    By virtue of this individuality of consciousness, while the Planet and its Realms no longer vibrate in 3D, most of humanity is still stuck in the old vibration. And this is causing what is called a 3D collapse.

    There is no way for something to continue for a long time vibrating at a frequency that has ceased to exist. As everything is energy, this something will stop being supplied and, little by little, disappears, because it dissolves naturally. This is how the evolution of worlds is understood.

    The collapse of 3D
    mindofmush / pixabay / Canva

    In the infinite Universe, everything is constant motion. When something is stagnant for a long time, it collapses. So if the Third Dimensional frequency no longer exists on this Planet, it is a matter of time before the adjustments are finalized.

    We are not going to confuse the consciousness of every human being who will pass into the Fifth Dimension with the consciousness of Gaia here. Gaia is the consciousness of the Planet. She'll be in the bands above anyway, regardless of whether humans ascend or not.

    It's getting easier to understand the separation of the wheat and the chaff, isn't it? Remember it has been written here many times: each one will be where it should be. Everything is frequency, and no one can be outside of it. Attraction, as well as repulsion, occurs through this attunement. One who also vibrates magnetically in the same waveband will remain on Earth 5D. Anyone who doesn't reach these ranges will be purged from the Planet.

    The collapse of 3D will promote the complete changes of all systems known so far. This change is called GESARA. Keep this word well, as it will be more and more in evidence from now on. But it is necessary to understand that GESARA is the complete change of all Systems, and not just of the Financial System as most believe. Within GESARA there is also the QFS – this one will deal with the financial itself.

    When it comes to changes, many feel a chill in the backbone. Man is by nature an aversion to change. But now there is no alternative. Either he changes, or he will have serious difficulties, which will be increasingly unbearable. But change is not just in everyday life; it is much more a CHANGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

    Do today what you need to do today, but be aware that everything is changing. And when one puts up resistance to such changes, one will inevitably be on a collision course with New Earth frequencies. Don't resist! Get in the flow and ride the crest of the wave that now rocks the Planet! Get in the swing of the highest energies and feel how rewarding it is to be part of the Planetary Transition!

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    Don't keep feeding what will cease to exist. Do not vibrate in fear or any other inferior emotion. Remember that everything follows the Divine Plan, and for this reason, God is in charge. But above all, know that the collapse of 3D was inevitable, and so will 4D. The times have come, and a New Age is already being felt, even if the eyes still cannot see.

    I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment.


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