Starts closing cycles

Beloved! We now enter the most important moment of the Planetary Transition. During this year 2020 and the next 5 years, everything will be defined so that the Earth definitively enters a NEW TIME, that is, the AGE OF LIGHT. The Shadows will dissipate to give way to the glow that will take over the New Earth.

At this moment, we are inside the Final War that takes place in the surroundings of our Planet. In both the Lower Astral and the Earth Crust, incredible battles take place between the Galactic Confederation and the Dark Forces. Although the physical eyes do not perceive this reality, the Spirit of every human knows, feels and perceives that there is something extraordinary happening right now.

If in the Low Astral that orbits the Earth the Drako Army is being dismantled, here, on the surface, the battles are to dismantle the control exercised by the Dark Cabal, which is the arm of the Drako command. The representatives of the dark ones who are incarnate have always been in control of humanity, but their time is up! From this line no one passes, because it is an EXPRESS ORDER FROM THE CREATOR.

One by one, all incarnated human beings who occupy important positions within the hierarchies of POWER and who are not aligned with the LIGHT will have to leave their posts. Those who resist will be removed one way or another. The times have come and now the CLOSING OF ALL CYCLES begins.

If you thought 2020 was an impactful year so far, be sure you haven't seen anything yet! Zeroing all systems known to humanity to restart new platforms is something that no conscience knows, as this has never happened on this Planet. This is what makes the Planetary Transition a unique event, to the point of attracting the attention of the entire Galaxy.

Many of us can understand the process, as we were prepared before incarnating in this current lifetime. Even if the conscience does not know, the unconscious has the necessary references, due to the preparation prior to our birth in this current life. There are at least a million adult humans who have gone through this learning process before.

Starts closing cycles
Matthew Bertelli / Pexels

There are also the Crystal children, who anchor the Light needed to support adults in mission.

There is also a higher incidence of Gamma or Photonic Light, which now arrives every day with greater intensity and also collaborates with the removal of the remaining shadows.

Finally, there is an unimaginable army of Ships and Beings that make up the Galactic Confederation and that, even invisible to human eyes, protect the Earth, sweeping all negative Plasma Entities, all non-confederate Ships and the entire arsenal of control. and manipulation exercised so far.

All this set of positive factors now favors the closing of all Earth Cycles of the Old Earth. There's a big RESET going on. There's a big reboot coming up. Everything that has existed so far will give way to the NEW. This is indeed a unique event! And you're here to watch such a spectacle! So, instead of fear, be filled with joy and pride to be part of a Planetary Transition.

Those who understand and learn the lessons of this Transition will have the possibility, in the future, to play the same role that our Galactic brothers do here on Earth today. It will be a very valuable experience and the Creator will know how to use it there, in other Worlds also in Transition like the one Earth is currently going through.

Starts closing cycles

Although the Earth has decided for a smoother and more harmonious Transition, this War between the forces of Light and Shadows becomes necessary, because the dark ones do not accept the loss of command of this rich Planet. In a war, all strategies must be put into practice. Certain secrets cannot be revealed. Certain situations change from one moment to the next. Some foreshadowed events may not occur. Some predictions may not be confirmed. Finally, there is also another War: THE WAR OF INFORMATION AND DISINFORMATION.

Even so, one way or another, on the higher Planes everything is already written and decided. Nothing will change the end result. Therefore, the following statement has been heard a lot: THE LIGHT WON!

Yes, we are still experiencing the last sounds of thunder, but the lightning and the biggest bang has already happened. Have patience and trust! The dust will settle and a new scenario will emerge. As blurred as the vision is now, everything is according to the Creator's Greater Plan. Even if you say: “This or that will happen”, know that everything can be different in the course, because we are in a war that will define the destiny of humanity. But the result is already set. And it is this outcome that matters, just as the decision of each of you matters now.

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Make your choices! There are so many options! We can no longer allow someone to say they didn't know or didn't have opportunities. Have the humility to recognize the mistake, if you are wrong. Have the courage to change if the path you are taking is not the one you should take. Have the firm purpose of really wanting to be better... the best of your soul versions.

IT'S TIME TO CLOSE CYCLES! Please don't be late! You are important! You are here because you chose to be a part of this Planetary Transition. Trust the Plan!

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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