Integrating our soul versions

    Beloved! It's all very vast and our limited consciousness is the thinnest version of our Higher Soul, or Super Soul, which is also just a Facet of Spirit. This, yes, is the so-called HIGHER SELF, or DIVINE SPARK, which is a Ray of Light. The Ray of Light that forms each immortal Spirit is a spark from the SOURCE, and that is what we call the CREATOR.

    You have always been connected to Divine Source. However, as a Spirit, he wanted to experience life at the furthest point from it, where the Light practically does not exist. For this to be possible, it was necessary to defragment the DIVINE SEED ATOM.

    First it was divided into Super Souls. These souls, when leaving the Source, still remained connected to it with all consciousness, because, even though they were outside the Cosmic Central Sun, their abodes were close to the Galactic Central Suns, where the Light is still very intense.

    But you are a courageous Spirit and you risked going further. Then it was further subdivided: into several Fractals of one of its Super Souls. It spread through the Solar Systems that make up our Galaxy. And one of them is in this quadrant of the Milky Way. Not all humans are from the same Solar System. Some are Pleiadians; others are Arcturians; there are the Andromedans; the Sirians and many other Systems.

    However, what is common in Earth Beings is the experience, awareness and learning to which they accepted to submit. Everyone wanted to experience what life is like being in the smallest Fractal of their Higher Soul. When deciding on the experience, this version of Soul heads towards a Planet of Trials and Atonements, where duality, subject to the veil of oblivion, predominates.

    In such lower worlds, he goes as if he had never existed before, as he forgets who he is, for the connection to Source is just a wire with virtually no energy. The goal is to create and learn from the result of what you create. This Fractal represents only 1% or 2% of your consciousness—not your HIGHER SELF, but part of Your Oversoul, which in turn is also a Fractal of Spirit.

    Integrating our soul versions
    Mohamed Nohassi / Unsplash

    It then passes through a Planet that is still shrouded in Shadows. It receives a body in accordance with the energies of that Planet. It stays in that body only for a certain time, enough to make some experiences within the duality, which we also call GOOD or EVIL. There the vibrations are low, that is, of the Third Dimension. In these lower worlds, this little Fractal of the Soul needs to disincarnate in order to go up a dimensional octave and regain some of its consciousness. This small contribution gives you a vision of your near past of the last incarnations and also a small vision of the future that the next reincarnation has in store for you.

    This is the so-called Wheel of Samsara. The successive incarnations take place until the Soul Fractal has fulfilled the proposed learning. Perfectly understanding the lessons taught on that lower Planet, this Fractal will then be integrated with its higher Soul version, and this is what we call ASCENSION.

    But the Planets also evolve constantly. When they reach the Transition Point, there is a greater incidence of Light, which causes the mass awakening of these Fractals. Even so, those who fail are taken to other Planets still in Shadows, in order to complete such learning. This is what happened with Capela, for example, that many came to dock here on Earth at that time of Transition.

    Integrating our soul versions
    Miriam Espacio / Pexels

    The same is happening now with our Planet. We are inside the Planetary Transition. There is now a greater awakening and also the exile of the reprobate. They are the rules by which all Fractals abide.

    Once this Fractal is ready through its experiences, it then integrates with its higher version and begins to return home. With each step within that loop, he integrates more consciousness within himself. That's how he remembers more and more who he is. He remembers more and more of his past, including in other Dimensions, other Orbs, and other Galaxies. He also begins to know what has not yet happened, for with a wider awareness, the future is now.

    I will soon write a text about COMING HOME. In it I will try to explain more about this, because not everyone can understand this process. That is why it is advisable that each one welcome the information that resonates in their heart. Later on, you will understand that the ladder needs to be climbed step by step. Each in their own time.

    We are very supported. Much more than we can imagine. For the past few weeks, I've been steered towards the themes of this ascension and coming home. It's the end of a time, as I've written here so many times. I was a little reluctant to put the theme in writing here, because I believed it was not yet the time, but yesterday a channel of Archangel Michael appeared on my computer screen published on Nair Aiko Luz's page. Nothing is by chance, and that was the signal that I should publish this information now. And it was providential, because in that channel I was also given some details that were not yet very clear in the interpretation of the Universe, Multiverse and Omniverse.

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    Soon, I will put here in text form, as always, a detailed description of the long way we have all come here and what the return home will be like. Remembering that today we are still this small Fractal ending the most distant experience that a Spirit can determine. Only when the whole experience is complete, understood and assimilated can it be integrated into the higher versions of ourselves. So this version, when integrated with our superior counterpart, initiates the return, that is, the return home.

    The Earth is being bathed in a lot of Light. Every day more! Light always wins! The Light won! Another Planet that comes of age! Now Earth is also part of the Galactic Confederation.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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