Earth timeline change

    Beloved! Earth is a planetary house that houses a large family: the Earth family. All those who came here from other Worlds joined the natives who already existed here, and their mission was to help in the development of Terran society, because the transmigration of Souls through the infinite Universes has always provided the technological development and also of the consciences, because in primitive worlds everything is very limited.

    We have said before that the Third Dimensional Planets serve as primary schools where duality reigns. Beginner spirits on their path, that is, still at the beginning of their development as Souls, still lacking in learning, and also Spirits that failed at a certain point in their evolutionary path, form these planetary families.

    Earth is part of this group of primary planets. Energetically vibrating in 3D, it served as a primary school for tens of billions of Spirits. Even with the difficulties of duality, characteristic of these schools, humanity followed its learning, like any other of the same vibration.

    But everything changed 350 thousand years ago, when the Archons and other Reptilian and Satanic races from the Orion System arrived here. Belonging to the descended races of the Fallen Angels, such beings fled from the persecution of the Forces of Light that were at the service of their capture, as they had transgressed all the Natural Laws of the Creation of the Worlds.

    Upon arriving on Earth with their Ships, humanity existing here, in their ignorance of knowledge limited by the veils, believed that they were Gods. Naturally, very cunning, these beings had no difficulty in dominating, exploiting and controlling the Terrans.

    Returning to the beginning of the text, the great family of Earth then received strange visitors. Recognizing in them powers far beyond what they knew, they peacefully accepted his command. They submitted to its rules of control. And so, everything changed in this great Planetary house.

    Within the family of each of you, order or confusion can be established according to the attitudes and actions of the group. It can be both prosperous and tragic. They are the individual and collective choices of the group. What will happen in the future, either individually or collectively, is the result achieved through the sum of the days, the years and the way these actions were carried out.

    The right thing is for your family to have autonomy in everything that concerns the group. If she receives some visits, however important they are, she should not be subject to them. You must not hand over your decision-making power and also the keys to the house. If that happens, there is a great possibility that this family will be destroyed.

    Earth timeline change
    Dani Guitar / Unsplash

    This is what happened to Earth's planetary family. In his simplicity and ignorance in terms of knowledge, limited by the veils, he not only accepted but deified his visitors. And over the millennia, they took care of everything and became their bosses.

    Through crosses between the races, they created human descendants, which are called hybrids. And it is, in fact, these hybrids that have given them the opportunity to become masters of everything and holders of all positions of command over the Earth and its inhabitants.

    They ask why the Alto allowed all this. In fact, if we make an assessment of how a school of Souls works in a World of Atonement and Trials, all the tricks created by the dark only contributed to making this school the hardest and most difficult of all. This would allow the students leaving here to become the best educated as well.

    The Creator is very wise and understood it as an opportunity offered to the dissidents of the Light. He knows that one day all his children will return to the Father's house. And many, when living in the midst of simple and kind souls that they found on this Planet, they also converted into that goodness and returned by themselves to the path of greater love.

    After 350 thousand years, a new assessment of the progress of humanity on Earth verified that nothing could improve in terms of the consciousness of this great family, now transfigured. The very free will that the ancient residents had was no longer being practiced in favor of their evolution. The trend would lead them to total degradation.

    It was necessary to change the Earth's Timeline. What was being plotted would lead to the destruction of humanity. The dark command that established itself here was already taking care to protect itself from this destruction, building underground bases and also bases on Mars. ARMAGEDON has been cocked. It was a matter of time.

    Around 2010, the High Council of the Galactic Confederation met to decide the fate of Earth and its humanity. The entire survey of the real situation on Earth was carried out. The Timeline that was activated would actually lead to Armageddon planned by the dark. But they would be safe, while all humanity would perish and Earth, as a Planet, would be sterile, because among so many devices used in this destruction would be nuclear and plasma weapons.

    What saved the Earth and its humanity were two factors:

    a) there was a certain group of incarnated Souls who still kept the purity of their Light in their hearts;

    b) Even with the destruction of the Planetary house, the Darkness would be saved and would continue its pilgrimage, invading other Worlds, as they always did.

    Earth timeline change

    Then the Creator said: “ENOUGH! They don't go from here!”. And determined the end of the Reign of Darkness. A NEW TIMELINE FOR EARTH HAS BEEN DRAWN. AND THAT DECREE A NO TO ARMAGEDON. At the end of 2012, when the Earth entered the Photon Belt, the Light intensified and a New Era began. The Age of Aquarius has also brought this new Timeline, which will bring about a smooth and peaceful Transition to Earth and a mass ascension of Souls.

    Although most of humanity does not yet see the changes, they have never ceased. They will still intensify, and in the coming months and years, everyone will realize that. The cleaning and removal of the darks started in 2012 and is at its end. Now we can see this cleansing happen right here, all around us. Stay tuned for the second half of 2021 and also for the entire next year of 2022. Nothing will stop what is to come!

    With the New Timeline decree and no ARMAGEDON, all prophecies made before 2012 are no longer valid. The entire chain of catastrophic events planned within the old Line will no longer happen, as another course has been given to the Terran family.

    All the Portals used by Darkness before, which allowed entry and exit from Earth to other Worlds, were closed. Your underground bunkers are being destroyed one by one. The moon bases were closed. And on Mars they can no longer hide. Outside the Solar System, there is no way out. There are only two alternatives left:

    1) accept the offer of the Light and undergo recycling through successive reincarnations through primitive worlds in order to re-polish your consciousness;

    2) will be captured and sent to the Central Sun to be dissolved from their memories, returning to the Divine Spark, origin of each Spirit.

    The New Timeline is the north that will guide humanity in this final stretch of Transition. Any other possibility is nothing more than memories or visualizations of scenes that were part of the other Timeline, the one that predicted Armageddon.

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    So don't get into an argument with any predictions that may be made public.

    NOTHING WILL CHANGE WHAT THE CREATOR DETERMINES. The Galactic Confederation is stationed here with its armies and Ships in order to fulfill this decree. Aliança da Terra has been operating here in the Earth's crust since 2016.

    There are many contactees in strategic commands in major countries. From rulers, positive military, light workers and anonymous people. There are many extraterrestrials walking around and no one notices, as they are in physical bodies like any other human. There is protection and support for all those who work for the Light. Nothing will stop what's to come. trust! The Planetary Transition will be as smooth as possible. This is the Creator's order!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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