The true values ​​of life

    Sometimes there is a huge sadness. It just makes you want to give up and stop in time.

    So many times I feel this way, especially when I remember the words I heard from the loved one. I struggle not to be sad, but she insists on visiting me, but I tell myself that everything passes, that in my heart there is still faith and hope for better days. Although I can't change what happened, I always tell myself: it's up to me to chart my destiny.

    Things don't always turn out as we dream, wish and plan, so I think it's necessary to look for what makes us feel happy and try to push away what makes us sad.

    We need to fight for what we want to achieve and accept what we cannot change in life!

    Often, we hear internal words that are not as we think, because they are just simple dreams.

    What we desire is rarely in tune with the other person's desires.

    And our dream is little for the other person or they simply want something more that we don't have and are not satisfied with just the love we are offering.

    I want peace and tranquility next to my love and if, by any chance, I can't have your love, I move on without hard feelings.

    I wish you always find the light of life, be happy and never give up on your dreams.

    Sometimes it may seem to you that my love is little, but the important thing is that people can count on me, because I am willing to help anyone who wants and needs to be helped.

    Our reality is different, but I believe that for everything there is a way when we really want it, whether in love or friendship, and one day you will realize that I only want your well-being.

    There are situations in which I don't understand your speech and, from the way I look at things, I realize that maybe I'm wrong and I'm hasty, because, for me, a look and a smile from you say more than a thousand words.

    The true values ​​of life
    Aziz Acharki / Unsplash

    A simple: “Hi, my love!” it's as if the doors of heaven were opening for me, so happy I feel just to hear you and know that you exist, but sometimes you hide, and it confuses me.

    Everything has its moment. You almost always rush. I think that, with time, everything is resolved and that there are things that not even money can buy.

    I have a heart full of love and kindness. He is pure and although there are people who say I am innocent in some situations, I don't care, because it is part of my essence.

    And I want to continue like this: with a pure and passionate heart, always willing to help my fellow man and those in need.

    I like my way of being and, as much as you deny it, I know that I am your love, so I ask that you never give up on yourself.

    Never allow anything or anyone to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Until your time comes, fight with courage and faith, believe in God's love for you and in my love.

    Don't worry about material things, because life goes by very quickly, so take care of yourself, forget what hurt you in the past, live in the present and make short-term plans from now on.

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    God exists and is always by our side, giving us strength and showing us the path of light.

    Live in peace with yourself and with God, who is always for us, and with Him we can love and be loved.

    He wants to see us happy, doing what is good for us and loving life with everything it gives us for our betterment and personal improvement every day, until eternity.

    The important thing is to learn from mistakes and successes to move forward.

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