Get out of the comfort zone!

    We commonly seek to make the best known, the most comfortable, the easiest. The lack of will and willingness to interrupt vicious and unproductive cycles, the lack of courage to start something new or challenging and to engage in a life project that demands self-discipline and commitment makes us develop mechanisms to perform our tasks as quickly and practically as possible. .

    From then on, problems to be solved no longer belong to us, impasses at work do not reach us, our participation in debates is at most as spectators. Routine is something much safer: waking up, following the work schedule to the letter, getting home and going to sleep. There really is no way to fail following the routine; comfort zone is created.

    The comfort zone gives us a false sense of security. And in this sensation there is no room for dreams, projects or perspective. It's a peaceful place, but the comfort doesn't allow us to have the audacity to even try. It is a zone protected from fear, but also from conquests. It is an inertia that makes us not interested in participating in this immense miracle that is life.

    Get out of the comfort zone!
    Nick Karvounis / Unsplash

    When we enter the comfort zone, we are prevented from learning new things and from making progress in our professional and personal lives. It is as if the student who completed the 1st year did not want to go to the 2nd year, as he had already learned what he had to learn. It is necessary to be very careful with this area, because the tendency is that it becomes so familiar that the person does not see that it simply does not move.

    We must be careful not to fall into such a dangerous place; it does not mean that we should deprive ourselves of anything that comforts us; on the contrary, it is to seek more and more sources of satisfaction, because life consists of daily challenges and overcoming. This is what drives us and motivates us to keep going.

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    In short, life begins right where the comfort zone ends. Even though it is a seemingly safe place, it is a place where it becomes impossible to find success, happiness and satisfaction.

    Immediately step out of your comfort zone and live!

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