Do cats feel jealous?

Cats have a peculiar behavior. These cats like to play, eat and sleep a lot. Besides, if there's something else that's in their instinct, it's hunting! Depending on where he lives with you, it will be inevitable to receive a dead gift.

They are extremely docile animals, however, when jealousy is part of a cat's life... "get away from my owner". Yeah, that's how they react, whether with other cats, dogs and even humans.

Is there a jealous cat?

Do cats feel jealous?
Buenosia Carol / Pexels

If you own a kitten, try to notice if he has certain habits such as scratching the couch, getting in front of the laptop and meowing non-stop when you are doing something. Well, don't worry. There's nothing wrong with your pussy, but maybe he's a jealous cat.

All these and other quirks come from the feelings that animals have. So your pet can be jealous yes! In addition, not only cats but also dogs, all have feelings of sadness, joy, laziness (lol), love, anger and even pride.

How to identify jealous behavior

Do cats feel jealous?
Snapwire / Pexels

If your pussy is part of what has already been mentioned, it could be that this is a good indication that he is jealous. Observe his actions towards other animals and also towards humans. When a friend pays you a visit, what does your cat do? Add, stick to you or even growl at him?

All these actions can indicate that cats are jealous! So, is it possible to modify this behavior?

What to do if your cat is jealous?

Do cats feel jealous?
Japheth Mast / Pexels

If your feline is already older, the best thing is that you try to train it. Many owners of these pets choose to pay someone to perform the service, although it is possible that you will.

First, if you have other animals at home, try to treat them all equally. It could be that your pussy got used to more attention than others and that's why he became so jealous. On the other hand, if jealousy is even with people, don't hesitate to do the same. But of course, it's not to belittle the cat, but to treat it as an equal.

Another point is the imposition of limits! Your cat may be used to sitting in front of the laptop and getting your attention whenever he wants. However, this is not an action you should always allow. They need to understand that there is time for everything and that it is not always their time. In this way, he can gradually become a more relaxed cat.

Use a shaker to indicate that your cat is misbehaving. Every time he reacts with jealousy, you shake the instrument. Of course, he will probably run away, but in time he will understand his mistakes.

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These are some actions you can take to try to change your cat's behavior. Cats feel jealous but just like humans, this feeling is not good. So, look for effective ways to re-educate your pet and if you are about to adopt a baby cat, educate him from a young age.

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