Christmas and New Year: celebrate these moments without frustration

What are the first images that come to your mind when you think of Christmas? The family together, the exchange of gifts, the decorated house and a tasty supper? And when do you think about the New Year? The fireworks display, the countdown, the seven beach waves and a toast full of positivity?

These are the most common images of this period of festivities and celebration of a new cycle that begins. It is on these dates that we get together with the ones we love the most, that we make wishes for the coming year and that we thank you for everything that has passed and that has been overcome.

Unfortunately, with the Covid-19 pandemic, Christmas and New Year 2020 will be different. We won't be able to gather many people in the same environment, we won't be able to buy gifts without wearing face masks and we won't be able to travel to a special place. The climate of pessimism and hopelessness has consumed everyone's routine, but that doesn't mean there isn't a place to party.

Many families have lost loved ones and friends. The pandemic is relentless and we spend every day worrying about the number of cases, number of deaths and the progress of vaccines for the virus. Despite all this, we need to keep hope that better times will come and that we will be renewed people at the end of all these difficulties we are facing.

Christmas and New Year: celebrate these moments without frustration
Jill Wellington / Pixabay

Motivate yourself to celebrate Christmas

The first party that will arrive at the end of the year is Christmas. Even if this moment is very familiar and the desire to bring the family together is great, respect the rules of social isolation, for the good of all. Maybe you believe that it's impossible to celebrate Christmas from a distance because you've never had to, but let's take a closer look at this situation.

With technology, we have at our disposal a series of tools that allow us to make a video call, without affecting the phone bill, for example. If parties at that time already took place in your house, you always dressed up to stay in the living room, at most to go to the kitchen. And the decorations we add to our homes are never just put on Christmas Day, but long before the date.

Looking only at these aspects of the Christmas celebration, we can already identify that staying at home during this party is a very palpable possibility. You can still wear a different outfit, decorate your home and meet the people you love, but you will do so while keeping everyone safe and secure.

Christmas and New Year: celebrate these moments without frustration
Vitalii Shastun / 123RF

Regarding gifts, there are two options: wait for the pandemic to pass to deliver what you planned for the date or resort to a specialized delivery system. If the gift is from an online purchase, put the gifted person's address instead of writing your own. That way, the surprise will come to her even if you don't physically meet.

If the gift you have planned is already at your house, you can use a delivery app to transport it to the person who will be gifted, or you can drive to the place and deliver the gift quickly, sanitizing your hands afterwards and keeping the mask on the face. Did you see? There is even a solution for that!

If your favorite part of Christmas is supper, don't give up on this tradition. You can take advantage of this unusual year to test a recipe you've always wanted to make, or you can even ask a restaurant to deliver a warm and refined food to your home, without having to work. This is the chance to dare on the menu, with the certainty that no one will blame your choices. Be careful not to exaggerate the amounts of food, as you will now be in a smaller amount of people!

Have you thought about all this and still haven't recovered the necessary animation for this party? Maybe you need a little more affection and positive memories at this time. If you're in the habit of making a Christmas secret-friend, keep up the tradition! Use a website to do an online giveaway and define that everyone's gift should be a loving and happy letter. Words can mean a lot at a time when hugs are forbidden.

Christmas and New Year: celebrate these moments without frustration
Yuri Urban / Pixabay

Fill yourself with hope in the New Year

The New Year is a festival famous for marking a period of renewal and hope. It is when we can make our desires truest, when we set goals and when we have the right to dream big. We cannot lose this ability at a time when we most need love and faith!

Even if you can't spend New Year's Eve on the beach, in a place, with lots of friends or with lots of family, keep the party at your house. Make a video call with the ones you love the most and show that you're next to these special people, even if it's from a computer screen.

For this virtual meeting, you can get ready, decorate your home and stimulate the best energies. Use incense and air fresheners to bring calm, love and balance to your home. Allow yourself to relax a little from all the problems and enjoy the positivity that the turn of the year always brings.

And it wouldn't be a New Year's if you didn't choose the color of clothes you're going to wear on the date, would it? Think about what you most need for the year ahead and identify the shades that have the ability to stimulate that in your life. This way, you will have an extra motivation to get ready and a way to strengthen what you most desire.

Christmas and New Year: celebrate these moments without frustration
Romolo Ceiling / 123RF

New Year's concerts are also a great way to get distracted when we're physically distant from the ones we love the most. Pick a festival you enjoyed attending or miss and watch it again. Sing, dance, keep your feet bare and immerse yourself in a universe of good vibes.

For supper, you can prepare a menu with foods that bring good luck, such as pomegranate, chestnuts and grapes. Or have that bullshit meal you've been dreaming about for so long. It's okay to vary the traditional menu in 2020, because everything is different this year.

Complete this wave of good energies with a wishing tree or planting a plant that you like. On earth, add papers with your goals or whatever you want to attract for the coming year. Mentalize only the good things and free yourself from all the negativity that is surrounding you. You will feel better!

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Christmas and New Year 2020 will be unusual times around the world. We must respect social isolation and hygiene measures to preserve the health of those we love most, but we don't have to give up the celebrations we've been waiting for. Reduce the magnitude of events a little, but keep positivity, good feelings and the best energies to share love, affection and hope. Take time to be happy!

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