Living life…as a blessing

    How do you want to lead a normal life,
    if your life is something out of the box,
    it is extraordinary, it is unusual, it is unique,
    it's just life.

    Life that walks, life that sees, life that smells, life that thinks,
    life that listens, life that likes and life that feels.

    If it were a normal life,
    something else would have been born,
    not a human being, who lives and acts
    as if your life was really a small thing...

    How is it possible that we wake up every day as if life were a burden, as if life were something worthless, with a strange desire to want the day to end soon, the week to end soon, so that we can quickly get to the end of week, because we consider that only on the weekend will we be happy and joyful?! How is it possible that the ego commands, determines what we are going to do and what we are going to feel with data that happened in the past? How is it possible for the soul to watch the dictatorship of normality fearlessly and serenely? How is it possible that the vitality of each cell and the vitality of each atom are replaced by the mere reaction that the being has to the events and vicissitudes of life? As if everything was already determined even before it happened, as if everything was already an inexorable plane of existence, in which creativity and vitality have no place. How is it possible not to be moved by the vision one has of life, with the life that pulsates intensely inside us around us and, wherever we look, how is it possible that enthusiasm does not burn the chest for so much desire for life ? How is it possible that the heat of love doesn't explode every cell of full life and abundance? How is it possible that the smile gives way to discouragement, that the spontaneity of the experience of the moment is replaced by the calculation of the apparent control of the present moment? How is it possible?

    Living life…as a blessing
    Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

    It all seems so normal
    each new day,
    as if it wasn't a blessing,
    and if it's not a blessing,
    that is simply to thank life,
    living it as the most sacred there can be,
    even more than God,
    because the creator is actually in the created.

    It all seems so normal
    that normality should give way
    to the inexplicable commotion of a tear,
    to the sincere laughter of a face,
    to the tender gaze of a single vision,
    and when feeling too intense of the presence of life!

    It's like the poem doesn't end,
    as if life doesn't end,
    as if the vision of the world did not end,
    such is the immense love that I have inside me,
    causing an explosion of life that seems to never end!

    • Learn how to overcome the plateau on which your life has stopped
    • Learn to read the languages ​​of life to live in peace
    • Understand why life is a blessing

    Living life and being life are two situations that are simply beyond our little understanding of what we think life is. So, my good friend, live this present life of yours as if you had none left, as if the end of this one was very near. Live this life as if your chest is exploding with ecstasy. Give thanks and pray, give thanks and go, go live while there is life inside you, while you are still alive. It sacralizes every moment, every gesture, every word, every look as if the spiritual plane had a surprise for you. Go and live the greatest blessing you could have had, which is to live life consciously on that side.

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