The Power of Compassion in Relationships

More and more I'm sure that, for the success of our relationships, the fundamental ingredient is so-called compassion. Compassion in a broad sense, that which is felt in each and every human relationship.

The Power of Compassion in Relationships
Unsplash/ @emotional_discord

When we manage to have compassion for the other, we understand better, we have more patience and, naturally, we relate better. Compassion goes hand in hand with love, but it is much easier to feel if we want to. We can look at the other human being through the lens of compassion, so the relationship becomes friendlier and more harmonious.

But how to do this? How can I use these lenses? Too easy. Put yourself in the other person's shoes when you think about everything he has been through and everything he has been through. If you know a little about the other's history, you can more easily put yourself in their shoes. If it's a family member, it's even easier to see them with eyes of compassion.

When we feel compassion for the other, we understand their actions, then forgiveness is present. In fact, there is no doubt that forgiveness is fundamental to any relationship, whatever it may be.

Compassion helps us to accept the other person with their flaws and imperfections. It is true that maybe the other would be better if they acted 100% of the time exactly as we would like (joke), but then we would not be respecting their free will and it would not be a healthy relationship, because it would be a relationship of control or manipulation.

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Accepting, respecting, understanding and putting yourself in the other's shoes are small actions we can do in order to keep our relationships healthier. From family relationships to those with little contact, including with strangers.

Consciously seeking thoughts that align with compassion helps us to feel it and, consequently, to act more compassionately. Compassionate thinking generates compassionate feelings and more compassionate actions as well.

The Power of Compassion in Relationships
Unsplash/Jude Beck

Ultimately, bringing compassion into our relationships can heal, harmonize, and intensify not only our relationships, but our hearts, our souls, and our lives. Want to bet?

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