Do you know what Inversion is? Know how to identify one of the most common techniques of emotional abusers

In addition to concepts that originate in classical psychoanalysis, the term “inversion” has often been recognized as an important factor in the emotional destabilization of most people who are involved in plots in which emotional abuse reigns.

How does it happen and what would the term “inversion” mean in these plots?

First of all and as always, we must not forget that the perverse narcissistic abuser lives solely for himself. So it's good to be awake to know that absolutely all your actions are in accordance with your desires for self-pleasure, and in that same vein, in the pursuit of the feeling of magnanimity. And for this purpose to occur, they will literally make use of all possible tricks to leave whoever is by their side, feeling diminished, invalidated and depreciated. Why? To make the counterpoint and they feel they are the best. Note: all abusers of this order are as much hostages to this plot as the victims, both in prisons. On the one hand, there is an abuser commanded by an unconscious emotional network that forces him to act the way he does, and on the other hand, another hostage who is the victim and who is also trapped in this plot for emotional reasons, but who in the most of the time they are not as obscure as the abuser's pathological state.

Do you know what Inversion is? Know how to identify one of the most common techniques of emotional abusers
Unsplash/Odonata Wellness Center

Abusive plot inversion, therefore, functions as a highly sophisticated manipulation in which all the explicit truths that denounce that the abuser is in fact an abuser are deftly inverted amidst fantastically exhaustive arguments, which ultimately achieve the feat of that the victims literally end up in a terrible emotional malaise. In addition to being unsuccessful, they even feel guilty for having asked for some kind of clarification on unfair or dubious attitudes. On other occasions, victims either shut up or apologize, not knowing what to do to mitigate their alleged mistakes, so that the abuser improves his mood again and so that the atmosphere is milder…

In inversion, the abuser literally inverts truths in order to take the reins of a relationship that reveals itself in terms of control and punishment.

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We can say that manipulations, in general, are actions commanded by unconscious processes. For example, even if the abuser is aware that he has not paid a bill and that he should be responsible for forgetting, he may still be furious accusing his wife, daughter, employee, or whoever, of not having done so. warned him, of not having left the account close to his field of vision, creating an unbearable climate until others assume their mistake and until the truths are totally suppressed. Does he do it consciously? No!! He perceives himself as a victim of “incompetent” and “stupid” people, in short, of people who “are not good enough”. The abuser is drastically irascible precisely because of his frantic and unconscious reversal mechanism.

Do you know what Inversion is? Know how to identify one of the most common techniques of emotional abusers
123RF/Aleksandr Davydov

Due to a history of a lot of suffering, at a certain point in his existence, as a survival mechanism to not freak out or die of sadness, helplessness, loneliness etc. His brain made use of a mechanism that we call dissociation. The aspects of him, which he perceives as negative and threatening, at some point become so unbearable that, in an unconscious process, his biological machine chooses to split, never coming in contact with those feelings and beliefs again. The big question is that what is hidden and isolated inside you is still somehow bothering you. As a relief from tensions, it ends up being projected out to the point that the abuser wants to destroy what belongs to him as a meaning of pain, in the other. The fight is for the survival of his self-image, of the beautiful and magnanimous that he exhaustively and at all costs wants and hallucinates to be.

There is a hatred and a disdain that, instead of being directed at oneself, is inverted in every way and form in the other, this mechanism being totally unconscious. The abuser does not feel guilt or remorse, because the evil is inverted outside of himself, and directed towards the other.

The more awake, the better!

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