Find out how the Superman pose can help you have more confidence

What do you think of when Superman comes to mind? Strength, courage, self-confidence, altruism… These are some of the characteristics we associate with this superhero, aren't they? Know, therefore, that he can contribute to his growth!

Did you know that our body language, also known as body language, not only shows how we are feeling but also influences our feelings? That way, doing power poses every day can bring out a lot of good in you. Understand!

Superman: know his strategies and apply them in everyday life

Even if you don't understand anything about superheroes, you know Superman, don't you? Probably the most famous superhero of all time, Superman is the secret identity of reporter Clark Kent. The story of this superhero, however, begins long before that.

Superman is actually called Kal-El, born on a planet called Krypton. Faced with the planet's extinction, Kal-El's parents sent him to Earth to save him from death. On Krypton, Kal-El would just be a powerless Kryptonian, like any other, but here, because of our Sun, which gives him strength, he's extremely powerful.

Find out how the Superman pose can help you have more confidence
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As he grew older and matured, Kal-El, who was named Clark Kent by his adoptive parents, realized he could use his superpowers to help people and save the planet from potential threats.

In addition to super strength, Superman, also called the Man of Steel, can fly, has X-ray vision, heat vision, super breath, super hearing and invulnerability to blows, explosions, gunfire and many other situations.

From these characteristics and what Superman represents, such as courage, justice and solidarity, we can receive many gains if we incorporate the famous pose of this superhero into our routine. Want to know how to do this? Check out!

What is Superman's position?

Superman's pose is the famous position in which the character is often portrayed in comic books and movies with actors and animation: clenched fists resting on his waist, chest out and head held high, with a serious expression on his face.

What does Superman's position mean?

We can say that Superman is an archetype of a few things: strength, heroism and courage, for starters. If you go around asking what people know or think about Superman, those are the most likely answers.

Therefore, taking the Superman position can help us to rescue and encourage traits like these in our own personality. The psychologist João Oliveira, in an interview on the program Mais Você, on Rede Globo, said that the emotion we feel when doing the pose transfers to our behavior.

According to him, what we show physically passes inward, so we change our body posture at the same time as we change our emotions according to what our body is showing (courage, strength, heroism, etc.)

Still according to him, stopping in this position can increase the production of testosterone and lower the production of cortisol, which is the hormone responsible, for example, for stress and the feeling of exhaustion. Finally, according to him, there is an increase in our endorphin production, responsible for our happiness.

What can we learn from the Superman pose?

Find out how the Superman pose can help you have more confidence
Dawn / Canva

We can learn from these Superman poses, mainly, the fact that what we show physically is not only influenced by what we are feeling, but also influences. Therefore, we need to take care of our stance, so that you can also take care of the interior.

How to do the Superman pose?

You already know the pose: just stop, spread your legs a little, put your closed fists on your waist, puff out your chest, lift your head and keep a serious expression on your face. Also, you can do this in front of a mirror to see yourself with this posture of self-confidence and strength.

Superman's Powers and Their Effects on Everyday Life

In the previous threads, we have listed the physical benefits of the Superman pose. So now, let's talk a little bit about the psychological benefits of adopting this practice and how they relate to everything that this character represents.

• Force: above all, strength is a power of Superman. Therefore, doing the pose that represents him obviously stimulates this characteristic in us, reinforcing how strong we are to accomplish everything we want or plan.

• Courage: Superman doesn't shy away from any fight, whether it's a common bandit or an intergalactic threat. So, his pose comes with that courage for us to face everything that comes between us and between our goals and our achievements.

• Self confidence: Superman is sure he will win his fights; otherwise he would not be involved in them. That's why this pose gives a lot of that feeling of trusting yourself and your ability, especially if you look in the mirror and see the confidence in yourself that you pass by doing this.

• Invulnerability: Superman is one of the most powerful superheroes of all precisely because he is invulnerable. He can take a lot of hits, shots and explosions, but he stands firm and strong, showing that nothing can shake us when we trust our strength and our abilities.

• Altruism: being a superhero is being willing to sacrifice your life for the good of the other and the collective, so the Superman pose also represents that. Whether you're thinking about the good of your family, your kids, your company, or something else, altruism will be evident in the Superman pose.

Find out how the Superman pose can help you have more confidence
back mouth / Canva

• Collectivity: You've probably heard about the Justice League, haven't you? Know, therefore, that Superman is the leader of this group of superheroes that join forces to face threats that would be too strong for them individually. So, do the pose to stimulate the collective sense as well.

• Solidarity: Superman is an extraterrestrial, that is, he has nothing to do with our species and would have no reason to care about our survival, but he still cares and wants our good. That's why this pose also encourages looking at others.

• Pacifism: Superman doesn't like confrontations, he just does well in them. The truth is, he's always fighting for peace, he's always looking to end wars so that peace reigns, so this pose also comes with that message that he's only fighting for the greater good.

• Discretion: despite being very famous and recognized, Superman maintains a low-key life, like reporter Clark Kent. And that comes with the pose too, which is this idea of ​​being strong and facing any stop, but not bragging about it. Discretion and humility are essential.

• Generosity: Superman doesn't receive any salary or demand anything from us human beings for the protection he gives us, and that's a great lesson in generosity that we can also absorb with the position: given the chance to do good, let us do it without worrying with rewards!

Teach your child to do the Superman pose

It is known that the characteristics and feelings that are encouraged in our childhood greatly influence the adults we become, so it is very useful that you teach your children, from an early age, the importance of body language, because it can help them a lot. throughout life, especially self-esteem and self-confidence.

You can take advantage of Superman's power poses to create a context and make her want to participate in this moment of heroism, such as creating a story in which she represents the superhero and, after defeating the villain, strike the pose . Or do it together with her, in front of the mirror, after getting dressed.

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Body language is not only very important in our daily lives, as it demonstrates what we are feeling, but it also has the power to influence our feelings. Therefore, add the Superman pose to your daily life, to stimulate strength, courage, self-confidence, among many other characteristics in your personality!

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