about my teachings

    Look at your girlfriend. Now answer: How many men do you think are crazy about her? How many do you think are delighted with that smile that only she has? There must be several, right? You do not know who they are, but they exist. And yet, she found you. In fact, she has chosen you. Is that you! Who is no prince, full of flaws and imperfections. And yet, she insists on calling you prince, perfect. Very silly, right? She loves you like that, exactly the way you are, imperfect. Now, I ask you: have you given value? Many envy you and are just watching, waiting for your first hesitation to attack. So, friend, will you wait to see her in the arms of another? Smiling at someone else's jokes? Cafuné in another? Beats up a little anger only imagine, right? Now go there, run your hand through her hair and tell her you love her. Just call to see how she is.

    Give value while you have it, because when you lose, you will only regret it! 

    about my teachings

    Personally, I do my part, and a few years ago I created an Instagram dedicated to women, with the aim of us men understanding a little and reflecting on them…. So many questions came and so I answer: What would be the reason to understand and talk so much about THEM? Many people ask me about this, and so I thought that I should pass on this teaching that I have carried with me for a long time… Well, it is important to know that since the beginning of our lives we have this teaching, many do not realize it, right or, they still haven’t realized… It's simple, just reflect that God chose a WOMAN to be the mother of his son... Could HE have chosen a man, an animal? anything, but he chose Maria and, that is a fact that doesn't change... But that wouldn't be enough if it weren't for the education I received... My father used to say: “Treat your girlfriend and women around the world exactly the way you want them to treat your mother and sisters”. That's it, it became a motto and from then on, I never forgot it and I follow it every day, more and more, because this is a life lesson, from those who gave me life... Simple as that... I'm sure that, many like me, think so and those who had doubts, now they are sure… right, kids!

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