how to be a better person

More and more we hear about self-knowledge and the quest to be a better person. Different situations put us in front of situations that we do not feel prepared to face. Not being ready to deal with events that have the potential to destabilize us can put a lot at risk.

People can stall their lives for not being able to get over a shocking event. When you can't handle a difficult situation properly, you end up being held hostage by it. By becoming hostage to events, suffering sets in.

When there is an intention to develop to be a better person, it is necessary, first of all, to understand their motivations. The reason you want to be that better person. Understanding motivation will help you feel better down the road, as you will be working on exactly what bothers you.

Ready phrases like that this is the right thing to do or that everyone should develop and be their best version will not give you the real reason. Regardless of whether the sentences are correct or not, the point is that your motivation is not in logic. Your motivation is in the feelings that drive you to leave the position you are in today: looking for a way out so you can feel better.

how to be a better person
Tirachard Kumtanom / Pexels

Why I want to be a better person

Suffering, discomfort, the saturation of the current moment in which we live are usually the most common feelings that drive an action to seek change. It may be that you are having a hard time dealing with other people. It could be that your life has stagnated or that doing everything the way you did before doesn't bring the same results anymore.

Whatever your motivation, the important thing is that it is clear to you. Understand what things are bothering you and what changes you would like to make. Having these answers in hand, you will already have a direction. You have already taken your first step towards becoming a better person. Now is the time to go in that direction.

how to be a better person

There is no magic recipe for someone to be a better person. Each person is unique, has its characteristics, lives in a certain reality, with different influences and conditions. Each one faces different limitations and has different potentialities inside them ready to be explored.

What exists are ways to explore yourself with self-knowledge and seek the goals that make the most sense for your current reality. From this thought, comes the first move to make decisions in the quest to be a better person: to have a coherent image of yourself. It is not the person you were or the person you believe you will be in the future that you will take as your starting point, but the person you are today.

The person you are today, under the conditions in which you live today, forms the starting point on your journey to be someone better. This is an ongoing journey, not a specific arrival point. It's like a course that you take for a certain time and, at the end, you receive your certificate. Human development is continuous work and it is what leads us to have a balanced and happy life.

Although there is no ready-made recipe for you to become a better person, there are several actions you can take to make this a reality. Depending on the person you are today and your goals, you can take the actions that make the most sense for you.

how to be a better person
Edu Carvalho / Pexels

Becoming a better person

A common attitude of those who seek to become a better person is to take responsibility for themselves and for the results they obtain. Regardless of the influence of events beyond your control, the choices and direction you are following in life are up to you. Start by taking responsibility for yourself, because then you will no longer run away from the decisions that arise or blame other people for something that happened to you. You are not a victim, but the author of your own story.

Take care to be taken care of. Take care of the people around you, take care of what you use in your daily life, have respect for the limitations of others and don't wait for others to have an attitude of care for you and then act like this. Being caring, kind and treating others as you would like to be treated will open doors for you to communicate, approach and get to know people more deeply. By getting to know more about others, you learn a lot and end up getting to know yourself better.

Practicing positive actions, even if you start by doing it mechanically, can have great benefits for you. Praising others, smiling more, making yourself available to help, being honest and other attitudes that are beneficial to the people around you will end up being positive for you too. When you set out to be a better person, it's not to be better for yourself, but to better integrate yourself into the world.

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Your positive practices will bring like-minded people closer together. The universe will give you what you give it. But don't wait to receive the return for what you invest. Find the joy in every action you take and that gives you your development. Do not value what is harmful. Focus on the good things that lead you towards being a better person.

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