Planetary Transition According to Spiritism

Planetary Transition is the name given to the period in which the planet is driven to leave a specific level of consciousness of a dimension, to go to a more evolved one, whose objective is to reach the regeneration process, so that life become more fraternal and happy.

In the specific case of planet Earth, we can consider the transition from the so-called period of darkness, corresponding to the level of consciousness of the Third Dimension, to the period of light, corresponding to the level of consciousness of the Fifth Dimension.

We are already going through great changes in the XNUMXst century, so this planetary transition process is already underway, but it is happening relatively slowly, gradually and urgently.

Many religions prophesied this period, warning of conflicts, wars and catastrophes, which would be followed by the Last Judgment (judgment of souls), then later the Age of Light would be installed, in which there would be lasting peace and a government based on principles different from materialism in which we live. We can observe the Apocalypse in the Bible and in the prophecies of Nostradamus, for example.

The Mayans, who until then had not had contact with the eastern world, had already predicted this Planetary Transition, including the appearance of a new Sun.

The Planetary Transition is the preparation for the acquisition of this new, more spiritual consciousness, since the one we are currently in is that of materiality focused on capitalism, money and power.

Planetary Transition According to Spiritism
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The Spiritist Vision of Planetary Transition

Followers of the spiritist gospel have already received information on how natural tragedies, for example, are part of this process, as they know that they are intended to purge spirits that are refractory to order and to moral and spiritual evolution that cannot be postponed and will compose the new way of being of the planet. It is already known, in spiritism, that, for the Planetary Transition, these spirits will remain in other spheres, learning the laws of Love and Good, so that, when they are able to return to Earth and offer their contributions, they will return here, for the progress of Humanity.

For the happiness of the inhabitants of the Earth, it is necessary that only good spirits, incarnate and disembodied, populate the planet and promote respect for laws, ethics and Nature, so that human beings can be integral and aware of their duties. towards God, towards oneself and towards others.

For spiritists, enlightened spirits and those who still need to evolve and who are trapped in the situation in which human beings still live on the Planet, more specifically in the consciousness of the Third Dimension, already coexist at this moment.

The Planetary Transition will be of a more moral nature, in an invitation to human beings to change their behavior, with the aim of installing new paradigms of justice, duty, order and love.

According to spiritism, this Planetary Transition was already foreseen and is indicated in Chapter III of the Book of Mark, in the Bible.

Planetary Transition According to Spiritism
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How is the human being in the Planetary Transition in the spiritist vision

The human being is a spirit in the process of intellectual-moral evolution that crosses different levels to develop instinct, intelligence, conscience and intuition, thus arriving at the spiritual reality that is original to him and should be active.

Reincarnations, according to spiritism, is what gives people the elimination of moral imperfections, leading them to the fullness that is destined for them, in a methodology of errors and corrections, acquiring experiences that promote the elevation of intuition.

Faced with free will, the human being ends up choosing not to assimilate this process of evolution, prioritizing consciousness focused on instincts and material preservation - still distant, therefore, at least almost entirely on Earth from the consciousness of the Age of Light.

The impact of suffering occurs to raise awareness and to awaken understanding of how important peace and the achievement of world well-being are in this evolutionary process. In this way, calamities, whatever their origins – social, biological, political or economic – are intended to invite human beings to reflect on the transience of carnal life in relation to their immortality. Humanity needs to progress faster, because its experience in this consciousness is depleted and increasingly harmful.

Planetary Transition According to Spiritism
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The importance of the XNUMXst century in the Planetary Transition

Although in the XNUMXst century we have spirits that strengthen and advocate evil, there is also a great scientific and technological advance that makes it possible, at least, to move towards a positive reflection of what is necessary spiritually to evolve, getting rid of the occupations of previous centuries. to fight disease or rationalize degrading and disrespectful activities.

Today, it is possible to obtain fast and global answers to world problems with an applied and productive task force. Fortunately, Man has more resources of all kinds than in previous centuries. However, when it comes to spirituality, there is much to evolve. Once again, the demands of this century impose this urgency and joint action will be necessary for Humanity to strengthen itself and acquire the desired level of consciousness to reach the New Earth.

It is important to know that our entire galaxy is undergoing ascension, perceived by the speed with which everything moves and that we can perceive because of the diminished sensation of time. Other planets and other solar systems also aim at a higher dimensional degree, determining that there is a collective evolution of all worlds.

In this century, information is adequate to what we need at the moment, in content and in time, without the fantasies and illusions belonging to minority interests imposing their own desires for domination.

Planetary Transition According to Spiritism
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How Humanity Can Prepare for Planetary Transition

For all those who intend to insert themselves in the flow of changes, the Planetary Transition will be smooth. However, the more there is attachment to material things, the more difficult the transition will be, as it will represent the sojourn in the Third Dimension. On the New Earth, everything will be less dense and less material. In it, everything will be more fluid and spiritual.

The planet, as we know it, will no longer be a world of trials and atonements to become a world of regeneration, so there will be no more pain or suffering.

To face the minor energies that insist on keeping Humanity at the level of material consciousness, spiritists believe that emanating good energies, offering passes, doing charity and assistance work are strengthening in the preparation of individuals and Humanity for the Planetary Transition, creating a change of consciousness more focused on the spirit and spirituality.

The spiritist doctrine, codified by Allan Kardec, presents countless ways to experience the moment of uncertainty and instability.

As imperfect human beings that we are, we still cultivate selfishness and pride. We need to reflect, cultivate better feelings, act ethically and responsibly to grow, improve and change our mentality and our spiritual consciousness.

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We are exposed by the Planetary Transition, which alerts us to the fact that the evil on the planet is the result of the evil of human beings and the way we act and experience life on Earth as spiritual beings.

We live in immediacy, in the power of money, in capitalism, in consumerism and in accumulation. Our ethics are questionable, as are our moral values. We are still guided by dogmas that often have little to do with spirituality. It is urgent that we seek another conduct.

There are those who establish that the changes necessary for the effective Planetary Transition have already started a few centuries ago and that the peak will take place between the years 2020 and 2050, which is why Humanity has been going through several disturbances that enhance the speed of awareness. It is up to each of us to observe, trust and seek the means to voluntarily and consciously know ourselves, transform ourselves and modify our daily lives.

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