In times of confusion, say a prayer!

We are facing a huge challenge with the coronavirus pandemic. People are learning to reinvent themselves and overcome limits, with a lot of suffering or optimism...

We are in a transitional phase, some say, and others are just trying to put out the fire as best they can. Children, teenagers, adults, the elderly, all are being affected in a peculiar way.

It is known that there are no ready-made formulas for facing a difficult or challenging phase. Each one needs to travel within themselves and find out what their real priorities are and try to get out of the tangled maze. This labyrinth is often created by the television media itself, by third-party behaviors or by the lack of individual clarity to know what to let in and what to block from information and energy.

In times of confusion, say a prayer!
Nathan Dumlao | Unsplash

But know that different people face challenges differently. Regardless of social, intellectual, religious, financial, etc., I have seen optimistic people rolling up their sleeves and changing the course of their lives in the middle of the pandemic. At the same time, I see people of different levels drowning in harmful information, which only causes mental and emotional damage, and doing nothing to try to get around the problems.

Information is important, but know how to obtain it, as there are economic and even political interests behind all the information that reaches us. Don't really believe everything you see, even in newspapers, magazines and television programs. Be informed, but with an accurate critical sense. Visit trusted news sites not belonging to the same media group.

I saw people closing deals in the midst of the crisis, but I saw people working a lot. I saw people getting rid of their assets, I saw others conquering the dream of their own home. In truth…

I know that many times the situation will not be, by far, the way we would like, but what I want to say is: try to look beyond the crisis. What can you do to give your life and yours a new direction? Don't be prostrate in regrets and suffering, as this will not help you to be productive and find solutions.

I saw people closing activities in a certain sector and opening business fronts in another totally different field! And in some cases they are even more satisfied with the new activity. Even if the profit takes a while to come, I see people reinventing themselves and with satisfaction! For life is more than what you earn in numerical terms. Some are able to work, yes, spend more time with their families and have a better quality of life. How wonderful!

Take advantage of these storms to retrace your route if necessary, plant new seeds if possible and even fulfill the dream of acquiring some good that, due to the crisis, may have the most attractive price for those who have saved money.

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And another extremely seen providence, yes, it is the DIVINE! Oh! If it weren't for God on our side, we would probably be lost.

Give your anxieties, doubts and longings to the Heavenly Father, who knows and sees everything. HE will support you and lead you, without a doubt, to a better destination than your human mind can see…

Fraternal hugs, Danny Doo – Straight from Doolandia!

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