The value of a wise man's silence

    Hello, dear reader. Before we talk about the value of a sage's silence, I'm going to talk a little bit about how people are living.

    When analyzing the behavior of most people, I noticed a huge existential void within them. Therefore, in the desire to bring a possibility of improving life from what I bring here, I also invite you to this pretension of turning on the key of your mind and completely changing your life routine.

    I don't need to illustrate much to show how the human being is getting more and more into a tailspin, that is, losing the essence of living. People are confined in a mediocre little world, within a minimal space of comfort and trust, because there is no emotional balance that supports so much smallness of thought. In that cramped place inside one's mind, there is an immense emptiness; lack of repertoire, vision of the world, so there is a lot of gossip, little gossip groups and this is often seen within companies. The fact is that gossip, swearing, aggressive discussions and all sorts of confusion happen precisely because of the existential emptiness. Maybe it's due to lack of education, spiritual base, basic deprivations, among other factors. Many lose emotional balance easily. Many do not know how to be silent, they talk all the time as if they were a rattle.

    Studies already show that people who talk a lot have accelerated minds and tend to suffer emotionally easily. But now I'm going to show you how your behavior should be from today.

    I think that the search for ataraxia is the search for tranquility, balance and moderation in the choice of pleasures. But how can we have moderation and balance in a society in which exacerbated consumerism seems to be the main flag to be raised? See, the sage blushes at his words, the sage is immune to the misfortunes of the offending world. The Stoic philosopher Seneca said: “Whoever lives in tranquility, let him be more active, who lives in activity, let him find balance. Nature reminds you every day that it made day and night.”

    The value of a wise man's silence
    Trung Thanh / Unsplash

    Keeping silence is for few, only the wise can. You need to empty your mind of worries, gossip, stress. Learn one thing: where your eyes are, your image will also be, so the question remains: where have you set your eyes?” Whatever you want to look for you will find. Whether in the church, in the brothers of your religion, in the people, in the institutions, in short, whatever you want to find, sooner or later you will find; but are you ready to find what you're looking for? Where are your eyes? That's when gossip arises and also the mind feeds on exactly what you covet or spend more time looking for, then the mind becomes full of uselessness, heavy baggage.

    The wise man is silent in the face of gossip, in the face of events in which mass opinion emerges, such as, for example, reports of great events where the badass opinion makers appear.

    The philosopher Seneca said: "The greatest obstacle to life is the expectation of tomorrow and miss the present moment". While the world goes into a tailspin, the sage in silence remains in peace and things happen naturally, blessings run after the sage, problems are just noises and images, after all, outside of language everything is silence.

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    The philosopher Marcus Aurelius said, “You have power over your mind, even when you don't have power over external facts. Understand this lesson. And you will find all the strength you need.” Learning to master your own mind is a good start to avoid talking, making unnecessary noise. What the mouth speaks the heart is full. You can improve your quality of life by maintaining emotional balance. I suggest you read books, do physical exercises, enjoy the simplicity of now, observe nature and its details, in short, keep your connection with God, with the divine, with what you believe, this is faith. Keep your happiness intact. As the philosophical Epicurus said: “Sick and still happy, in danger and still happy, in exile and still happy, in disgrace and happy”. That is, intact, permanent peace, silence and acceptance, happy to exist, for the opportunity to exist even with bad experiences, in everything impartial and in peace.

    With that, it remains for you to fight for your dreams, even going through various difficulties, the issue of acceptance is to remain in emotional balance, without, however, ceasing to take actions, to move towards a new life, therefore study, create new perspectives, keep the silence of the wise.

    Don't expect the world to be as you wish, but as it really is. That way you will have a peaceful life.

    Silence is golden, silence opens doors, silence attracts good things, silence is the health of the mind and soul, silence puts you on another level, silence offers you without asking, silence is worth much more than much speak, for a good name is better than many riches, therefore a good name is made by silence. Finally, I will leave below a philosophy of my own.

    The value of a wise man's silence
    Priscilla Du Preez / Unsplash

    “The silence of a sage is so precious that it serves as an instruction to a world of hallucinated people, when one of these hallucinated ones finds himself in trouble, he resorts to the infinite repertoire of a sage, who, in turn, with few words, turns on the light of consciousness of those who are in darkness, then it could perhaps be the end of the search, the ultimate truth, depending exclusively on the hallucinated person who wishes to strip himself of illusions.”

    Be silent, work in peace, move now and do not flaunt your projects; increasing the time between the interstices of silence and actions, the results will be positively inevitable.

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