The troubled relationship of a spider and its fly: learning to deal with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Episode XVII

The profile popularized as the “narcissistic psychopath” got its name because it brings together characteristics of the two types of disorder that compose it, where both are egocentric, manipulative and do not experience any regret for what they commit. They are so common that most people have hardly had any contact with them.

Officially, this classification is not listed in the Manual of Diagnostics in Mental Health, known as DMS-5, having been popularized only in popular culture; but in practice there is not much difference in the effects it ends up producing on the people in their daily lives, which is why they are kept far away, regardless of the term used to define behavioral deviance.

In this episode we will be focusing on some aspects that allow us to recognize the narcissistic psychopath in its multiple facets, because, as science itself does not know ways to treat the problem, preventive action involves the identification of its carriers to keep them at a distance from their families. possible victims, based on the assumption that information is the best antidote against the toxicity they spread in shared environments with other people.

The troubled relationship of a spider and its fly: learning to deal with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Episode XVII
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It is worth noting that not even the description of the picture proves to be fully effective as a preventive action, since these sick minds have in their favor an unbelievable capacity for simulation to convince anyone that they were wrong to fit them into the described profile. And let there be no doubt how powerful this ability to convince can be, even making people who already had previous knowledge of the disorder - at least in theory - when they establish contact with it, to be so delighted that they doubt everything they read the respect, or ask themselves if they were not hasty in judging him so opposite to what he reveals in direct contact with them.

Some experts describe the narcissist as possessing such an impactful and charismatic presence that it exerts an almost hypnotic effect on his victims from the very first contact. For some reason still poorly understood, it is clear to the outside observer, familiar with such cases, the state of fascination that he transmits to his victims in order to nullify all attempts at resistance. His seduction proves to be so effective that there are records of many people who, even though they were previously warned about the resources he makes use of, at the moment of the meeting, they are completely disarmed, coming to believe that it is worth taking the risk in front of the "Prince Charming". that they now have before their eyes. Scholars on the subject describe them as capable of, in a simple observation, making an instantaneous reading of the victim to define the type of seduction that results in total harmony with her, and anyone who has witnessed the fact knows that there is nothing more true.

Next, we will start our approach to the most common personality traits in the profile attributed to narcissistic psychopaths:

They usually reveal an exaggerated sense of self-importance – albeit instinctive and disordered – to the point that, in some situations, they find it difficult to even keep it under control.

They are extremely insecure in relationships, developing paranoia that makes them see threats on all sides. Imaginary betrayals generate a permanent state of surveillance to the point of listening behind doors or installing cameras to guard against supposed traps that only they can see.

Like any psychopath, narcissists do not experience empathy with other people, and even expressions of affection and concern are used to simulate a love they do not feel, or a solidarity that only disguises a specific interest, which they will know how to demand when the time comes.

They tend to live conflicting and aggressive relationships alternating with brief periods of “calm”, following a model that popular wisdom treats as “bite and blow”.

They feel an exacerbated need for attention and admiration, in which moments of exhibitionism alternate with those of a deep frustration when they do not confirm the talent or superiority of which they are “anointed”.

The troubled relationship of a spider and its fly: learning to deal with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Episode XVII
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Also like any psychopath, narcissists are manipulative to the extreme, feel no remorse and are unable to establish real affective bonds.
They present a dysfunctional perception in which the lack of coherence in everyday actions predominates, resulting from an ethical sense that makes it impossible to distinguish between right and wrong. As a result, they will never be trusted, lying outright and maintaining a double life full of mysteries, infidelity and sneaky habits.

They do not accept being subjected to social norms, using all the artifices they find to position themselves as privileged people and above the law. They are even capable of falsifying documents, displaying emblems of positions they do not occupy, making use of the famous daily “wallet” and approaching useful authorities to legitimize their megalomania.

They have no scruples in the pursuit of their goals, going over everything and everyone to achieve them.

They rely a lot on their power of seduction to achieve everything they want, and they usually succeed very easily because of this. On the other hand, they find it extremely difficult to maintain their achievements, since the proximity of socializing ends up exposing their true nature. In their eagerness to quickly reach the top, they run over important stages, empower themselves in the positions they have reached and take possession of everything they have access to, scaring those who observe them, especially in work relationships. As a result, they plummet as quickly as they climbed their social status, turning their lives into a roller coaster whose hallmark is an endless ups and downs.

Another characteristic typical of narcissists resides in the attempt to adapt the environments they attend to the false reality that their ego demands from them, in order to feel it compatible with the superiority they confer on themselves.

They reveal themselves to be extremely envious in the face of other people's success, because in these moments reality clashes with their inflated ego by informing them that there are people more talented than they are. On such occasions they can be taken by such fury as to jeopardize the entire theater they use in the exercise of their false superiority.

Narcissists will always be involved in abusive relationships serving as a stage for their cruelty and rule violations of all kinds. With the people directly involved, such abuses are emotional in nature, and can culminate in physical ones. In society as a whole, they happen due to the absence of limits, which impels them to ignore the rules applicable to other citizens. In both cases, the logic is always the same: if they can get everything they want through others and without spending any effort, they will have no problem doing it, not least because moral issues are not part of their reality.

The troubled relationship of a spider and its fly: learning to deal with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Episode XVII
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TPN carriers do not admit criticism, not even constructive ones, reacting very badly when they are corrected, even to avoid passing on a negative image. They will respond with irony or derision when faced with the correction of a line, or even a pronunciation error, for example. As they are extremely vain, they feel attacked if any type of error is pointed out to them, since they feel too perfect for correction from a “simple mortal”.

They are incapable of making any reference that is complimentary, or that praises another person, and they are offended if you praise another person in their presence, reacting through the bias of “exclusionary logic”: “Are you saying this just to tell me that I am the opposite of him”.

They are arrogant and intimidating, especially with kind people who do not respond in the same tone, creating a heavy climate in which those closest to them feel bad, being taken by embarrassment or even attacked in their dignity.
As people who use others to achieve their personal goals, they will have no qualms about relating to several at the same time, following the premise that each one can offer something that the others do not have. So don't expect fidelity from a narcissist, as they will always be promiscuous and unfaithful in their relationships.

Narcissistic psychopaths are very bad at dealing with competition. Anyone in their group that starts to stand out will inevitably suffer boycotts and systematic deconstructions by them, as they want to be absolute protagonists of the social groups they integrate, being the center of all attention.

When they feel challenged in any way, they can break through all the barriers of their own self-control and be extremely violent. In these moments they surprise whoever watches the scene and even themselves, with their unexpected and aggressive reaction. As a rule, they hate it when this happens, because their aggressive spirit takes off the mask of charisma and sophistication that they wear to publicly expose it, for not being able to control their impulsiveness when provoked, even in involuntary and unimportant situations that would go unnoticed, were it not for your reaction.

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To conclude, it is important to always keep in mind that narcissistic psychopaths do not correct themselves, and relying on their promises and false regrets to maintain the relationship will only cause their victims to accumulate frustrations and take a serious risk of seeing the relationship reach a borderline point with strong potential for more serious consequences. It is also necessary to understand that people with this profile do not accept ruptures initiated by the other party, as they see it as property, so breaking up with everything will always be their prerogative. Due to the supremacy with which they see themselves invested, they will only admit the breakup after concluding that the partners have nothing more to offer them and that it is time to discard, provided, of course, the initiative comes from them!

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